Le Lézard
Subjects: POL, AVO, FVT

MOAR - The Woodstock of American Rallies

WASHINGTON, Aug. 11, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- MOAR, a grassroots movement, announces its first nationwide rally to peacefully unite in honor of America. You are invited to join with us on September 16 at the National Mall in Washington DC.

Due to increasing political and social unrest, many believe that core American values, customs and traditions are being sacrificed. Rally participants will demand protection for traditional American culture while they express their love for the United States and the America First agenda. MOAR will send a message to the world that the voices of mainstream Americans must be heard.

MOAR - How it started:  The idea for MOAR was conceived by Internet personality "POA" (Tommy Hodges) during a live Facebook stream. He stated that he wanted to create a "Huge" event for supporters of President Trump and Americans to rally together in the nation's capital.  During this live stream broadcast, he also mentioned that a name was needed for the rally.  One of POA's followers suggested the name "MOAR - Mother of All Rallies".  The name stuck and the MOAR train left the station heading for destination "September 16."

Tommy also says that "we are coming together to send a direct message to Congress, the media and the world that we stand united not divided to protect and preserve American Culture."

Event Details:  Opening ceremonies will begin at 11 am EDT at the north end of the Mall, near the Washington monument. Keynote speakers include author Hamody Jasim, Marco Guiterrez, founder of Latinos for Trump, and congressional candidate for California, Omar Navarro.  The band Madison Rising is the featured performer.  Panel discussions on a number of hot topics are also planned and much will be happening throughout the day and evening.  There will be no admission charge for any of the events.  Further details will be disclosed as the target date nears.

We are uniting in honor of the United States of America; all people regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, age or political affiliation are invited.   We are gathering to support our President and our country.  We the People, as one Nation under God, invite you to set aside differences and rally with us.

For further information, you are invited to visit the MOAR website at www.motherofallrallies.com.

Disclaimer:  This is a peaceful rally.  Please do not litter, vandalize or anything else illegal or unbefitting.  Act worthy of yourselves.  Any violators will be asked to leave or turned over to authorities.  If your intentions are other than peaceful, this is not the event for you.

Event Organizer: Tommy Hodges (727 537-0196) [email protected]


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