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Subject: POL

Astroturfing Institute Offers Services of Professional On-demand Applause for Theaters, Rallies and Political Gatherings: The La ClaQue Club

WASHINGTON, Sept. 5, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Astroturfing Institute (http://www.astroturfinginstitute.org) recently announced the formation of the La ClaQue Club to offer paid audiences for events within the capital and surrounding area. Professional applause services are also available for a wide variety of political venues and gatherings. The La ClaQue Club is especially well-suited to meet the needs of organizations, gatherings or messages that are unpopular, new or relatively obscure.

The La ClaQue Club formed to serve the interests of artists, political leaders or ideological adherents who desire to bolster the ranks of their audience whenever performing a play, delivering a speech or holding a rally. Linked to an ancient French tradition within theaters and opera houses, hired bands of people who applauded dramatic performances were quite common and called claques. The individuals within such claques were referred to as claqueurs.

The La ClaQue Club is comprised of a group of trained professionals who are highly mobile, versatile and customizable according to individual and group needs. Claques can be purchased ahead of time for specific fees or rush services are available, with prices determined on a case-by-case basis.

To serve as a baseline, claque fees are broken up into specific requested services:

Astroturfing is the process by which sponsorship of a message or organization (e.g. political, advertising, religious or public relations) is made to appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's true financial connections. The services of claques are routinely employed in the astroturfing process.

About the Astroturfing Institute

The Astroturfing Institute, sponsored by the International Platform Association of 1831, was formed by author Mitchell P. Davis to serve certain philosophical and organizational needs  related to the growing awareness of the ubiquity of astroturfing. The Astroturfing Institute calls upon political aspirants and imbedded political leaders on all sides to demand and reveal the truth behind their dark-money streams. Learn more at: http://www.astroturfinginstitute.org

Follow the La ClaQue Club on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/LaClaqueClub  


Mitchell P. Davis, Editor
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 Speakers Bureau -- founded 1831.

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SOURCE Astroturfing Institute

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