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Government of Canada unveils the Canada Pride Citation

OTTAWA, Nov. 6, 2018 /CNW/ - The Government of Canada is taking action to address the historical injustices experienced by LGBTQ2 federal public servants, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Canadian Armed Forces members and to commemorate their resilience, bravery and sacrifice.   

Today, Member of Parliament and the Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on LGBTQ2 issues, Randy Boissonnault, unveiled the design of the new Canada Pride Citation. The Citation is one element in the implementation of the Final Settlement Agreement of the Ross, Roy, Satalic Class Action, often referred to as the 'LGBT Purge' Class Action.

The Canada Pride Citation was created by a design committee of class members, class legal counsel, federal government representatives and the Canadian Heraldic Authority. The Citation unveiled today includes an insignia featuring a central maple leaf between eight chevrons in the pride colours and a lapel pin featuring a central maple leaf surrounded by a border in the eight pride colours.

In order to receive the Canada Pride Citation, individuals must be a class member as defined in the Ross, Roy, Satalic Class Action Final Settlement Agreement. Class members must complete a claim form and send to the Claims Administrator during the claims period. The claims period opened on October 25, 2018, and will end on April 25, 2019. A copy of the claim form is available at www.lgbtpurgesettlement.com or can be requested by email at [email protected].


"The Canada Pride Citation acknowledges the injustices faced by LGBTQ2 Canadians who proudly served their country, yet whom were met, in return, with intolerance and discrimination. It recognizes the sacrifices made by these individuals and the importance of remembering the past to prevent such harms from ever happening again. This is a powerful symbol of hope for a stronger, more inclusive Canada."

- Randy Boissonnault, M.P., Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on LGBTQ2 issues

"The Canada Pride Citation is an important part of the government's recognition of past injustices and a sign of commitment to protect all Canadians against discrimination. Canada's diverse and inclusive society is a source of strength and we must continue to improve supports, information and awareness on LGBTQ2 issues."

- The Honourable Seamus O'Regan, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence

"The Canada Pride Citation represents an important symbol of our commitment to right the wrongs of the past while creating a brighter, more inclusive future for LGBTQ2 Canadians. Diversity, respect and inclusion are core values of our Defence Team. Through our defence policy Strong, Secure, Engaged ?we are continuing to take steps to foster a more welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone who chooses to serve."

- The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of National Defence

"It is gravely unjust that there was a time in this country when you could be charged, prosecuted and criminally convicted simply because of your sexual orientation. But many LGBTQ2 Canadians suffered these injustices and for them, the pain, trauma and fear have been all too real for a very long time. Such discrimination has no place in Canada and we owe it to those who suffered to right these wrongs so that we can move forward together. The Canada Pride Citation is symbolic of our commitment to advancing LGBTQ2 human rights and promoting positive change in Canada."

- The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

"We are dedicated to a public service that includes employees from LGBQT2 communities. Our nation is strong because of our differences, not in spite of them, and this diversity of views, backgrounds, orientations, and ideas leads to better programs, policies, and services."

- The Honourable Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board and Minister of Digital Government

"The creation of the Canada Pride Citation is one of the many steps we are taking to acknowledge the injustice with which the public service treated LGBTQ2 public servants during the dark chapter of our history often referred to as "The Purge". Together, we will continue to build on the progress we have made to create an inclusive public service where all public servants are treated equally and with dignity."

- Michael Wernick, Clerk of the Privy Council

?"For many years, LGBTQ2 Canadians committed to serving Canada by wearing the uniform of the Canadian Armed Forces despite knowing they could be persecuted for just being themselves. That took courage, and as an institution, we didn't recognize it and we didn't defend them. The Canada Pride Citation, which can be worn proudly on our uniform, is as an enduring symbol of our acknowledgement of past injustices and our commitment to ensure that this dark chapter in our history never happens again."

- General Jonathan Vance, Chief of the Defence Staff?

"With the Canada Pride Citation, we are acknowledging the historic unjust treatment of LGBTQ2 people, and the harm that it did. And we are recognizing the incredible depth of the commitment LGBTQ2 people showed to serving Canada, despite systemic discrimination. This citation is a symbol of our ongoing responsibility and determination to address barriers and make sure everyone feels safe and welcome being their whole selves."?

- Jody Thomas, Deputy Minister of National Defence

"The Canada Pride Citation is a meaningful step towards reconciliation with the LGBTQ2 community, and I am proud to support it as a symbol of our commitment to diversity and inclusion in a modernized RCMP."

- Brenda Lucki, Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

"I have an immense respect for the sincerity and significance of the creative process that has gone into this citation. It represents the hard and arduous work was put into the resolution and restitution of the LGBT Purge."

- Martine Roy, Class member 

"I was honoured to be a representative for fellow LGBTQ2 Canadians in the creation of the Canada Pride Citation. This beautiful and symbolic commendation marks an important step forward in the healing between Canada and those of us who were part of the past discrimination. I look forward to wearing this Canada Pride Citation with pride." 

- Todd Ross, Class member

"The double-arrow shape of the insignia of the Canada Pride Citation expresses in a simple and dignified way the commitment to acknowledge the past and to build a better future. The distinctive arrangement of the maple leaf between the rainbow chevrons creates a striking, meaningful and easily recognizable symbol."

- Claire Boudreau, Chief Herald of Canada, Director of the Canadian Heraldic Authority

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SOURCE Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on LGBTQ2 issues

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