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Subjects: PDT, VET, PSF

SRG Concludes Veterans Affairs Police Pilot Program for Crisis Interventions - Several Veterans Lives Saved

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Sentinel Resource Group (SRG) recently concluded its engagement developing threat management and crisis intervention pilot programs with the Veterans Affairs Police Department at the VA Long Beach Healthcare System in Long Beach, California. These pilot programs are already attributed to saving several veterans lives - whether preventing suicide attempts, or mitigating police use of force with a veteran in crisis.

There was tacit understanding by the various constituents that integration and alignment of the pilot across a complex ecosystem of governments, governmental agencies and VA clinical services leaders would be critical to success. VA Police Chief David Weiner stated "SRG's established prominence with our law enforcement partners [LAPD, LASD] coupled with their past performance developing and integrating complex threat management programs were instrumental in adeptly operationalizing this program."

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and the Los Angeles Police Department pioneered creation of specialized units to directly confront investigations and interventions with those experiencing a mental health crisis. SRG embedded within the LAPD and LASD programs to preliminarily understand veteran-specific issues with community law enforcement partners, identify best practices and develop a more comprehensive and integrated model for the VA Police pilot.

Within the first 90 days of operational deployment, the pilot team has already responded to over 250 calls for service, with double-digit "veterans lives saved."

Wesley Bull, the CEO of Sentinel Resource Group, said "It's truly an honor to have been of service to those who served; I've no words to express the feeling of knowing our work in some small way has contributed to helping decrease veteran suicides."

Bull further stated: "..but for the dedication of the leadership and staff of VA Police Long Beach, VA Long Beach Healthcare, LASD, and LAPD, these pilots wouldn't have deployed so efficiently and effectively - we were fortunate to partner with such dedicated professionals in this engagement. It is my sincere hope that the results of these pilot programs bolster support to roll out this program model across the VA Police Services at a national level."

Sentinel Resource Group is a protection risk management consulting & solutions firm, serving corporate and government clients across the United States and around the world. General information about Sentinel Resource Group's offerings can be found at its website: www.sentinel-rg.com.

Media Inquiries:

For Sentinel Resource Group:
Wesley Bull, CEO at (408) 780-1999

For VA Police - Long Beach / VA Long Beach Healthcare System:
Rich Beam, Director of Public Affairs at (562) 826-5498


SOURCE Sentinel Resource Group

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