Le Lézard
Subjects: NPT, POL, AVO

National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council Applauds President Trump's Withdrawal Of ICE Director Nominee

WASHINGTON, April 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- On behalf of the men and women of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), we vigorously applaud President Trump for his decision to take the agency in a different direction beginning at the top. In withdrawing his own nominee, President Trump demonstrated integrity and a personal commitment to fixing problems within our failing federal agencies rarely, if ever, seen in the DC swamp. When Ronald Vitiello clearly demonstrated an inability to effectively lead the agency, President Trump stepped in and made a change. That's how it's supposed to work. That's leadership. That's how Americans want their government to work.

We are sickened by the comments and actions of so many publicly critical of the President and his staff for withdrawing the nomination of someone who was so unfit and unqualified to hold the position of ICE Director. Never in our careers have we seen ICE operations more poorly run as they have been under Acting Director Vitiello, and with our agency's leadership failures of the past, that's saying a lot. Acting Director Vitiello needlessly put American lives at risk, grossly mismanaged ICE resources on the southern border and nationally during a time of crisis, and abandoned our officers and their mission. For any person, on or off the record, to suggest that Mr. Vitiello is fit to run an agency such as ICE is ludicrous and evidence of the disconnect between DC political types and the American people.  

It is truly unfortunate that papers like the Washington Post allow so many to provide their personal anti-Trump opinions while refusing to provide their names. These are not whistleblowers disclosing critical information to the public that provide a public service and require protection, but instead lies and misinformation from Obama Administration holdovers and never Trumpers upset to see one of their own demoted, as panic sets in overall that they are losing control.

To President Trump, we say thank you for your courage. Our officers and employees care about our agency and its mission and the welfare of the American public. Your actions have given us a second chance and hope that we still have an opportunity to secure effective leadership and end corruption and incompetence within our agency.  

The National ICE Council represents approximately 6,000 ICE ERO Officers and support staff.    

SOURCE National ICE Council

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