Le Lézard
Subject: Proxy/Proxy Vote

ISS Supports Snow Park's Case for Change and Recommends Front Yard Stockholders Vote the Blue Proxy Card

Snow Park Capital Partners, LP (together with its affiliates, "Snow Park" or "we") today announced that Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. ("ISS"), a leading proxy advisory firm, has endorsed its case for change at Front Yard Residential Corporation (NYSE: RESI) ("Front Yard" or the "Company"). ISS recommends that stockholders vote the BLUE proxy card FOR the election of Snow Park's highly-qualified and independent nominees ? Lazar Nikolic and Jeffrey Pierce ? to Front Yard's Board of Directors (the "Board") at the Company's upcoming annual meeting on May 23, 2019. ISS also recommends that stockholders WITHHOLD votes from management's incumbent director nominees Rochelle Dobbs and Wade Henderson, two current members of the governance committee who have failed to address Front Yard's anti-stockholder restrictions and policies.

Stockholders who agree that greater urgency is needed to effect change at Front Yard should vote the BLUE proxy card to elect Snow Park's full slate of nominees that also includes Leland Abrams, a sizable stockholder of the Company with significant experience when it comes to the fundamentals, operating realities and portfolio management dynamics of the single-family residential market. For information pertaining to our case for change and voting resources, please visit www.RenewRESI.com today.

In its full report, ISS affirmed Snow Park's criticisms of Front Yard's poor long-term performance, numerous strategic lapses, and weak corporate governance. ISS concluded that stockholders should vote on the BLUE proxy card:1

With respect to structural issues that Snow Park believes evidences the need for a new strategy at Front Yard, ISS noted:

In its assessments of Front Yard's board-level issues and corporate governance weaknesses, ISS concluded:

Jeffrey Pierce, Founder and Managing Partner of Snow Park, commented:

"We are very pleased that ISS supports Snow Park's case for change at Front Yard and recommends stockholders vote the BLUE proxy card to elect Lazar Nikolic and myself. The thorough assessment of Front Yard issued by ISS reaffirms nearly all of the strategic lapses, structural issues and governance failures that Snow Park has been highlighting in recent weeks. Notably, ISS appears to share Snow Park's core view that Front Yard's current growth-centric business plan has been ? and remains ? severely hindered by excessive debt, extremely high expenses and an inability to generate sufficient revenue from acquired properties. If elected, Snow Park's highly-qualified and independent nominees will work to reverse the Company's trajectory of negative returns by bringing important checks-and-balances to the boardroom and pushing for a full strategic review that assesses alternative paths to value creation.

We also agree with ISS that stockholders who feel a greater sense of urgency is needed to effect change at Front Yard should consider voting on the BLUE proxy card FOR Snow Park's full slate of three nominees that includes Leland Abrams, a sizable stockholder of the Company with significant experience when it comes to the fundamentals, operating realities and portfolio management dynamics of the single-family residential market. Given that Front Yard has destroyed approximately $500 million in stockholder wealth in recent years and the Company still has no credible plan for realizing management's stated Net Asset Value of $17.50 per share,2 we believe the case for meaningful and timely change could not be clearer.

Although Front Yard has repeatedly shown it is willing to misrepresent the Company's dire state and mischaracterize Snow Park's interests, we encourage our fellow stockholders to focus on the facts as they relate to the incumbent Board's poor track record, unaddressed conflicts and lack of vision. Stockholders have two distinct choices this year: either place more trust in the hands of the incumbent Board that has already presided over an approximately 50% decline in share price in recent years OR vote to install owners with real alignment of interests and additive experience in the boardroom to ensure all paths to maximizing value are impartially evaluated. All three members of Snow Park's slate want nothing more than to apply their expertise and knowledge towards delivering the value that Front Yard's long-suffering stockholders deserve."

We urge Front Yard stockholders to vote FOR all three of Snow Park's highly-qualified, independent nominees ? stockholders Leland Abrams, Lazar Nikolic and Jeffrey Pierce ? on the BLUE proxy card and to return it in your postage-paid envelope provided. If you have already voted Front Yard's proxy card, you can change your vote by providing a later dated BLUE proxy card.

Should you have any questions or need assistance with voting, please contact Saratoga Proxy Consulting LLC at (888) 368-0379 or (212) 257-1311 or by email at [email protected].



About Snow Park

Snow Park Capital Partners, LP is a privately-held investment manager that specializes in investing in publicly-traded real estate securities across the capital structure. Based in New York City and founded by Jeffrey Pierce, the firm focuses on producing strong risk-adjusted returns for a diverse investor base of public institutions, private entities and qualified individual clients.

1 Permission to quote ISS was neither sought nor obtained. Emphases added.

2 A NAV of $17.50 was set forth in Front Yard's February 2019 earnings call transcript

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