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Subjects: AWD, NPT, VET

Texas Group Awards Marcus Butler For Service To Veterans

THE WOODLANDS, Texas, July 29, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Today, Duane Ham, the Chairman of the Texas Conservative Tea Party Coalition announced the recipient of the first Master Sergeant Ray Benevides Award for Service to Texas service veterans? especially those suffering from addiction, PTSD and other service-related issues. Master Sergeant Benevides was a hero in the truest sense of the word.

Benevides displayed exceptional courage, bravery, and fortitude on the battlefield during the Vietnam War. After being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, he spent his remaining years helping his fellow vets cope with the unseen ravages of war, including addiction, PTSD, suicidal thoughts, and other debilitating conditions.

Ham Says: "Master Seargent Benevides was a shining example to all he came into contact with, and there was no stronger advocate for those who serve and have served. He reminded all he met that we must honor our veterans as they reacclimate to society."

About Butler Ham says, "We can think of no more exceptional individual to present this first award than to Marcus Butler. While Mr. Butler never wore the uniform of the United States, he like Seargent Benevides has dedicated himself to supporting, caring for, and lifting up those who have defined our nation and helped secure its freedoms. "

Ham continued saying, "Butler, is well known in the US for his efforts to operate specialty centers to provide these vital services to our vets. He is an example to all by showing how you can support military veterans and their families without having served yourself. "

Butler, who operates centers throughout the country, is looking to expand in Texas, will be presented the award at a ceremony to be held later this year.

"I'm honored beyond words. I'm speechless. Those who know me won't believe that I'm at a loss for words," Butler chuckled. "We're just trying to do the best we can. It's all about the vets."

Ham says that Butler is the perfect recipient for this award. "Just like Master Sergeant Benevides, Butler is a flawed individual who has had his struggles that have been forced to overcome.

"When called to action and asked to stand up for their fellow man, real heroes set aside their own personal difficulties and rise to the occasion, Marcus Butler has done just that time after time. In doing so, he not only changed his own life but the lives of countless others. All real heroes answer the call are and turn their vulnerabilities into strengths. Marcus Bulter is a prime example of doing this and is why we are honoring his service. "


SOURCE Texas Conservative Tea Party Coalition

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