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Sioux Honey Teaming Up with Soldiers' Angels for the Holidays

SIOUX CITY, Iowa, Nov. 25, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Sioux Honey Association Co-op is joining with Soldiers' Angels to share sweetness with deployed service members over the holidays. This month marks the beginning of a partnership between the co-op and the organization, which aids wounded heroes, military families, deployed service members and veterans of all eras.

Military members receiving Sue Bee honey packages.

"Sioux Honey beekeepers have been able to pursue this incredible livelihood for a century now because we have the freedom and safety to do so. We can do what we do thanks to the American military," said Rob Buhmann, chair of the Sioux Honey board. "That's why we are supporting Soldiers' Angels and encouraging people to think of our troops this holiday season."

Through the partnership, Sioux Honey is sending cases of Sue Bee honey overseas and to the Angel Bakers group ? a division of Soldiers' Angels ? to be used for treats prepared for deployed military.

Sioux Honey beekeepers are getting involved at an individual level too, sending postcards and baking treats for deployed service members. Matt Beekman of Hughson, California, recently took a break from his hives to join Angel Baker Kitty Harmon in preparing Sue Bee Pumpkin Spice Muffins for deployed soldiers. Beekman and Harmon hope the honey-baked treats will be a reminder of home, and that others will think of those who are deployed this holiday season.

"Things are always changing in this business," said Beekman. "We're moving bees to different areas all year. Sometimes we're doing pollination, sometimes we're doing honey production.

"Despite how crazy it can be, I get to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family. The same can't be said for a lot of the men and women who are deployed right now. They are giving up their holidays to serve us."

Beekman encourages others to consider a donation to Soldiers' Angels or volunteering as an Angel Baker around the holidays. Those who want to support the organization can also do so by purchasing a bottle of Sue Bee at commissaries or online at siouxhoney.com. The co-op will donate a portion of these sales to Soldiers' Angels.

Contact: Kelsey Pritchard at [email protected] or 402.965.4342

SOURCE Sioux Honey Association Co-op

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