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Tribute to Veterans of Mayaguez Rescue at National Museum of Military Vehicles

DUBOIS, Wyo., April 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Museum of Military Vehicles (NMMV) announced today that it will hold a public ceremony May 15, 2021 to honor the veterans who participated in the Mayaguez rescue on the 46th anniversary of the battle. During the ceremony, a Mayaguez Tribute Truck escorted by Patriot Guards Riders will be donated to the museum. Once the Tribute Truck reaches the museum, the names of the 41 Americans who fell during the battle will be read and honored with TAPS, followed by a reunion of surviving Mayaguez veterans.

"The Mayaguez rescue performed on May 15, 1975 was the last battle of the Vietnam War," said Doug Cubbison, Curator of NMMV. "The names of the 41 Americans who perished in this battle are the last 41 names inscribed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. The 46th anniversary of the battle is a fitting occasion for the museum to publicly remember and honor both the fallen and the survivors of this battle."

"Terry Brooks, a veteran of the Mayaguez rescue, created a Tribute Truck to ensure that the sacrifice of those who fell during this battle is always remembered, " said Alynne Catron, Executive Director of NMMV. "Terry is donating the Tribute Truck to our museum to preserve and share in perpetuity with the public."

The Mayaguez incident: On May 12, 1975, a U.S. flagged cargo ship, the S.S. Mayaguez and its crew were seized by a Cambodian Khmer Rouge naval vessel. President Gerald Ford ordered military action to force the Cambodians to return the ship and release its crew. This rescue mission by the Marines, Navy, and Air Force took place on May 15, 1975. During the ensuing combat, 25 Air Force pilots and crew, two Navy Corpsmen, and fourteen Marines were killed in action while another fifty Americans were wounded. The Khmer Rouge released the Mayaguez and its crew unharmed.

The ceremony commemorating the Mayaguez rescue will begin May 15, 2021 in Dubois, WY at 10:00 a.m. The Tribute Truck will depart Dubois at that time with Patriot Guards Riders escort to travel 8 miles to the museum. Once the Tribute Truck arrives at NMMV, the remainder of the ceremony will be held on museum grounds, after which the Tribute Truck will be placed on display in the museum.

The ceremony is open to all who wish to thank these veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice.

About the National Museum of Military Vehicles
NMMV is a privately funded, 140,000 square-foot facility located near Dubois, WY. The museum is home to more than 450 military vehicles, the largest private collection in the world.

The museum is a 501(c) non-profit organization whose mission is to "honor the service and sacrifice of veterans and their families, educate next generations on the history of American freedom, and share historic military vehicles."

The museum's World War II gallery opened to the public in August 2020.

Connect with us at www.nmmv.org and on Facebook at facebook.com/NMMVWY.

Further information: Alynne Catron: [email protected]

SOURCE National Museum of Military Vehicles

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