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Calif. Professor Launches Modern-day Treasure Hunt Where Prize Is Bitcoins Not Gold Coins

LOS ANGELES, April 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A Calif. college professor, dubbed "Professor F" by his students, spent the COVID lockdown much differently than his peers. Not only did he write a suspense novel, titled "Cracked," but he devised a way to create what he calls, "the greatest treasure hunt of all time" by infusing the story with 12 unique words linked to a Bitcoin wallet. Read the book, identify the 12 words, and unlock the wallet holding tens-of-thousands of dollars-worth of Bitcoin. Sounds simple, right? But what fun would a real treasure hunt be if it were simple? 

"That's why some of the words are not just written in plain typeface in the book or may not even be words at all," says Professor F. "Some come in the form of binary code or must be derived from a symbol. My goal in writing the book and creating this treasure hunt was to give people around the globe a forum in which to engage with each other, share ideas and have fun. The Bitcoin wallet doesn't care about peoples' skin tone, age, national origin, gender or status. Anyone can enter the correctly sequenced 12 words into the wallet and the wallet will unlock."

So, it's not as easy as just deciphering the 12 words. The words must be entered in exact order to unlock the Bitcoin wallet. Now that's why it's called a treasure hunt!

Professor F is so committed to this campaign to bring people together, he invested more than $15,000 of his own money to fund the initial Bitcoin prize, which is a lot to do on a teacher's salary!  A portion of "Cracked" book sales will also be added to the fund to further increase the amount of Bitcoin in the wallet. This means that one clever treasure hunter could unlock a bounty of Bitcoin! Would-be participants can find the book on Amazon.

Professor F created his own YouTube channel to bring people together into what he refers to as the "Cracked Community."  Each week Professor F will post a new video to provide updates and answer questions from the Community (just don't ask him for the code...); however, he promises to release a clue for every 1 million subscribers to his channel. Upon reaching 10 million subscribers, he will divulge 6 out of the 12 words that unlock the wallet.

"I hope everyone around the world will connect to solve the puzzle," says Professor F. "I would love nothing more than to find the wallet empty one day and know that my treasure hunt brought people together, and that someone (or a team) Cracked the Code!"

About Professor F: 
"Professor F" is a college professor with a master's degree in rhetoric and composition. The premise for his book, "Cracked," arose from Professor F's feeling that humankind was grappling with unrest and sadness due to COVID, while he too, was at home teaching in an online classroom.  As a former Marine and Iraqi war veteran, Professor F wanted to recreate the comradery he felt with his fellow Marines.  A comradery that was blind to differences and focused on similarities.  He knew that a real treasure hunt could align the masses to achieve one common goal ? cracking the code.

For more information, or to join the Cracked Community, go to:


#professorf #cracked #crackedcommunity

SOURCE Professor F

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