Le Lézard
Subject: AVO

Justice Party's Name Virtually Copied by White Supremacist, Antisemitic Bigots Calling Themselves the "National Justice Party"

SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Since August 2020,¹ a group of racist, antisemitic white supremacists has purported to operate under the name, "National Justice Party" (NJP).² The NJP essentially copied the name of the Justice Party, which was created in 2011³ and stands for values, goals, and ideas diametrically opposite of those espoused by the NJP.4   

The Justice Party became a national political party after nominating Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson, former two-term mayor of Salt Lake City, as its presidential nominee in January 2012 for the 2012 election.

Anderson and his vice-presidential running mate, Luis Rodriguez, ran a vigorous campaign, appearing as the Justice Party nominees on numerous national television programs, in local, national, and international newspaper and magazine articles, and on popular radio programs and podcasts. One who searches online for the term "Justice Party" or "Justice Party US" will find dozens, if not hundreds, of links to materials, articles, and programs regarding the Justice Party. The Justice Party has continuously had at least one Facebook page and dozens of Twitter accounts (including accounts for many states) for over ten years.

The Justice Party has made clear to the public??continuously from the time of its founding until today (as is easily discerned from a quick online search)??that its focus is on ridding our government of the corrupting influence of money and achieving social, economic, and environmental justice. Included in that focus is the need to end systemic racism in the United States and to provide equal rights and dignity to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion (or lack thereof), or sexual orientation.   

Rocky Anderson, Executive Director of the Justice Party, expressed dismay with the NJP's dirty tactics and its disgraceful bigotry: "The racist, antisemitic group of bigots comprising the NJP are apparently seeking to mislead the public with their knock-off of the Justice Party's name, or they are simply not imaginative enough to come up with their own name. Their tactic of lifting the Justice Party's name, as unethical as it is, pales in comparison with their hateful racism and antisemitism. For them to use the Justice Party's name is as dishonest and disgraceful as if the Ku Klux Klan used the name of the NAACP."  

Contact: Rocky Anderson, Executive Director, Justice Party
Direct: (801)349-1690
Email: [email protected]

¹ https://nationaljusticeparty.com/2020/08/19/national-justice-party-founding-speech-august-15-2020/

² See, generally, the white supremacist speeches and articles on the "National Justice Party" website. https://nationaljusticeparty.com/category/statements/. See also Howard Graves and Michael Edison Hayden, "White Nationalist Organization Forms Racist, Antisemitic Political Party," Southern Poverty Law Center August 21, 2020, https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2020/08/21/white-nationalist-organization-forms-racist-antisemitic-political-party; Antisemitism in the US ? National Justice Party, ADL, https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/national-justice-party.  

³ https://www.deseret.com/2011/11/30/20390171/rocky-anderson-forms-justice-party-plans-to-run-for-president#salt-lake-city-mayor-rocky-anderson-prior-to-finishing-his-term-in-salt-lake-city-utah-dec-06-2007; https://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=53014248&itype=CMSID; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_Party_(United_States).

4 https://www.justiceparty.us/vision-mission-goals-objectives-and-core-values.html

SOURCE Justice Party

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