Le Lézard
Subject: AVO

Greenberg Demands SF Mayor Act on DA Recall

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Richie Greenberg, San Francisco activist and organizer of the recall of embattled district attorney Chesa Boudin, today issued a firm demand for mayor London Breed to call on the DA to resign or she declare support for his recall.

"On the heels of the successful recalling of three San Francisco school board commissioners just days ago, I respectfully call on you Madame Mayor to end the ambiguity on DA Chesa Boudin's recall. The 15 minutes of fame for this district attorney and his failed experiment of extremist pro-crime, restorative justice ideology is over. Now comes the rebuilding of faith and trust in our city's government. Chesa Boudin is an obvious impediment to accountability as you've said yourself; he must no doubt go, preferably by your urging his resignation immediately, or take a position that you strongly encourage a yes vote for his June 7th recall. San Francisco's residents are tired and weary; we have been suffering too long from the surge in crime hitting every corner of the city, caused by Boudin's refusal to treat criminals as what they are. His refusal to reign in drug dealers is itself a most heinous breach of duty to protect our community. People are dying. Chesa Boudin has now himself become the most unpopular man in San Francisco. We cannot and should not permit his continued giving the green light to lawlessness and non-accountability as the norm. It's beyond time for you to stop avoiding this issue. Your silence and failure to commit to his removal is detrimental for our healing. For the residents, business owners and tourists alike, Chesa Boudin must go, and you, Mayor Breed, must urge his resignation or recall without further delay."

The website for the Yes on Recall of Chesa Boudin committee is RecallChesaBoudin.org.

Richie Greenberg
[email protected]  

SOURCE Stop the Injustice

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