Le Lézard
Subject: ACC

Asetek - Outcome of Annual General Meeting

- Following the general meeting, the Board of Directors constituted itself with Mr. Jukka Pertola as chairman and Mr. Erik Damsgaard as vice chairman.

AALBORG, Denmark, April 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Asetek A/S (OSE: ASTK) today held the annual general meeting at its offices in Aalborg, Denmark.

The general meeting took note of the report by the Board of Directors and Management, and the audited annual report for 2021 was approved.

The Nomination Committee reported on its activities during last year. The Nomination Committee's proposed remuneration to be paid to the members of the Board of Directors were adopted.

The remuneration report for 2021 was adopted.

The proposed candidates were all elected, and the Board of Directors is hereinafter composed of the following: 

The following were elected to the Nomination Committee and the Committee is hereinafter composed of the following:

Following the general meeting, the Board of Directors constituted itself with Mr. Jukka Pertola as chairman and Mr. Erik Damsgaard as vice chairman.

Mr. Ib Sønderby is chairman of the Nomination Committee. Mrs. Maria Hjorth is chairman of the Audit Committee, and Mr. Jukka Pertola is chairman of the Remuneration Committee.

PricewaterhouseCoopers, State Authorized Public Accountants were re-elected as auditors.

The general meeting authorized the Board of Directors to, until the next annual general meeting, to acquire the Company's own shares.

All proposals were adopted.


For further information, please contact: André S. Eriksen, Chief Executive Officer Mobile: +45 2125 7076, e-mail: [email protected]

Peter Dam Madsen, Chief Financial Officer Mobile: +45 2080 7200, e-mail: [email protected]

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