Le Lézard
Subject: AVO



SAN FRANCISCO, May 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Early voting has begun in San Francisco for the June primary election which includes the referendum to recall embattled progressive district attorney Chesa Boudin. Amid the campaign frenzy, Boudin has embarked on an anti-recall media blitz. Personal appearances resemble propaganda events, in desperate attempt to fend off the voters' wrath. Two polls now confirm he is deeply unpopular, reaching nearly 70% disapproval rate. Voters will vote yes overwhelmingly on the recall question.

Richie Greenberg, chairman of the Yes on Recall Chesa Boudin Committee explains:

"Chesa Boudin has a dismal track record leading the District Attorney's office; it's a farce, with no improvement on the horizon. He's had no previous experience prosecuting crime, and it clearly shows. While crime continues its grip on San Francisco hitting residents, businesses and tourists, Boudin books TV and radio interviews and personal appearances; he's bought television and social media ads to counter the recall message with his mass disinformation campaign."

"Boudin feebly attempts to refute allegations of misconduct, his lack of fitness for the job and his giving cover to drug dealers. He's facing heavy criticism from his former colleagues. He fabricates and manipulates statistics, cites recent, trite accomplishments as if a major breakthrough. As expected, he labels those critical of him "liars" and "racists", smears and slanders the recall effort's proponents and major donors. His sole support comes from San Francisco's farthest left-wing organizations and public officials. The deep chasm between Chesa Boudin's radical leadership and the vast majority of voters has been exposed."

The recall of Chesa Boudin has been designated as "Proposition H" on this June 7th ballot. The committee's website is RecallChesaBoudin.org

Press Contact: Richie Greenberg
Twitter: @richieSF2016
Email: [email protected]
Website: RecallChesaBoudin.org

SOURCE Stop the Injustice

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