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Subjects: NPT, AVO

National Press Club Statement on Murder of Haitian Journalists Charles and Lartigue

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Following is a statement from Jen Judson, President of the National Press Club and Gil Klein, President of the National Press Club Journalism Institute on the murder, September 11, of two Haitian journalists: Frantzsen Charles and Tayson Lartigue.

"We call on the Haitian government to do everything in its power to bring to justice the killers of Frantzsen Charles and Tayson Lartigue. These two journalists were reportedly ambushed by the G9 gang after interviewing the parents of a teenager who had been killed in gang violence in the Cite Soleil section of Port Au Prince. Several other journalists with them were attacked but managed to escape. The bodies of Charles and Lartigue were burned by the gang members. Our hearts go out to their families and colleagues.

"This brings to five the number of Haitian journalists killed so far this year. While the situation in Haiti is difficult for many people, we urge all members of Haitian society including government officials and gang members to respect the vital need for journalists their work unimpeded and without fear of violence."

Founded in 1908, the National Press Club is the world's leading professional organization for journalists The Club has 3,000 members and is an outspoken advocate for press freedom worldwide.

The National Press Club Journalism Institute promotes an engaged global citizenry through an independent and free press and equips journalists with skills and standards to inform the public in ways that inspire a more representative democracy. As the non-profit affiliate of the National Press Club, the Institute powers journalism in the public interest.    

Contact: Bill McCarren for the National Press Club, 202-662-7534

SOURCE National Press Club

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