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Haige Wang Served as the Jury President at the 1st Aollywood Five Continents Film Festival Committee

On December 12, the committee of 1st Aollywood Five Continents Film Festival was announced the jury list of the First Golden Jasmine Award in Los Angeles, USA.

The jury is formed by 6 celebrities of different countries. The President of Jury was served by Haige Wang, who is a prominent curator, producer and socio-cultural activist. The Jury members includes Omar Kaczmarczyk, who is an American producer and the founder of Lala Bella; Gordon Williams, the 7 times winner of Grammy Awards; the former CEO of BBC America, Bill Hilary; the Cultural Ambassador of the Brazil President, Frederico Lapenda; and Sherwood Hu, a famous Chinese director. The international jury of Golden Jasmine Award is very strong, also showed the authority and influence of this films award.

The Aollywood Five Continents Film Festival is hosted by the Asian Aollywood Producers Association, and the "Golden Jasmine Award" is specially set up in the film festival to commend the filmmakers around the world who have actively explored and innovated the development of film art, focus on outstanding film innovators in various countries, encourage them to shoot films with novel forms and unique techniques, and serve multiculturalism.

"Golden Jasmine Award" is hoped that through by continuously promoting exchanges and activities between filmmakers around the world, East and West cultures can better complement, coexist and win together. The award was subdivision to different units, includes the awards of Chinese unit, best animation, best film, best director, best screenwriter, best actor, best actress, best supporting actor, best supporting actress, best cinematography, best editing, etc.

On the same day, the president Haige Wang was said in an interview with reporters: "There are many factors can determine the authority and influence of a film award. But in order to gain the convincing and the praised from audiences, the overall quality of the film, the performance of the actors and other core indicators should be used to evaluate." He also called for: "I am very much looking forward to increasing mutual trust, enhanced the cooperation and exchanges between Asian films and American films.

The biggest advantage of Aollywood and Asian films, is Asia has a large number of stories which still not known by the foreign audiences, it means there's a lot of space for creativity."

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