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The Conference on Crimes Against Women Announces the State Department's Cindy Dyer as Keynote Speaker

Cindy Dyer, Ambassador-at-Large to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons for the U.S. Department of State and Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP), will headline the 18th annual Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW) in Dallas, Texas from May 22-25, 2023. The TIP Office leads the U.S. State Department's global efforts to combat human trafficking through the prosecution of traffickers, the protection of victims, and the prevention of human trafficking. She will present during CCAW's Opening Plenary on Monday, May 22, at 8:00 a.m. CT.

Close to 50 million people around the globe are trafficked and trapped in modern-day slavery.1 In the United States, it is estimated there are anywhere from 10,000 to 150,000 people trafficked each year.2 To spotlight this global problem, CCAW recognized the need to expand its human trafficking courses with a specific track and deepen the partnership with New Friends New Life, a Dallas-based nonprofit that has been in the fight against human trafficking for the last 25 years. The sessions will be conducted by nationally-recognized leaders from across the country in the anti-trafficking field to address ways that attendees can support survivors through trauma-informed care, educate their communities, and work with law enforcement and legislature to disrupt the industry and also ensure perpetrators are brought to justice with effective investigation and prosecution tools and strategies.

"We will never succeed in our fight to end violence against women and children if we do not address the societal devastation of human trafficking. The increase in human trafficking around the globe compels us to spotlight these crimes at our 18th annual Conference on Crimes Against Women," said Jan Langbein, Chief Executive Officer of CCAW and Genesis Women's Shelter & Support. "We are extremely fortunate to have as, our keynote speaker, United States TIP Ambassador Cindy Dyer to share with us her expertise in fighting gender-based violence. A gifted speaker, Ambassador Dyer began her career as a domestic violence prosecutor with the Dallas County District Attorney's office. She will also be helping us launch our program-specific subject track with our partners New Friends New Life focusing on identifying and protecting victims of human trafficking and holding accountable perpetrators."

Ambassador Dyer is a human rights advocate and lawyer with three decades of experience working at the local, national, and international levels to prevent and respond to human trafficking, sexual assault, and domestic violence. In December 2022, the Senate unanimously confirmed her, and President Biden appointed her, to lead the United States' global engagement to combat human trafficking and support the coordination of anti-trafficking efforts across the U.S. government. She previously served on the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military. For 12 years, she was the Vice President for Human Rights at Vital Voices Global Partnership, an international organization advancing women's leadership. Prior to joining Vital Voices, she served in a presidential appointment as the Director of the Office on Violence Against Women within the U.S. Department of Justice, where she served as the liaison between the Department of Justice and federal, state, tribal, and international governments on matters involving violence against women. Ambassador Dyer began her career at the local level serving as a specialized domestic and sexual violence prosecutor in Dallas, Texas for more than 13 years, where she prosecuted high-profile, complex cases including capital murder, murder, aggravated assault, sexual assault, retaliation, and stalking. She assisted in creating Dallas County's specialized Family Violence Courts in 1995 and the county's specialized Protective Order Court in 1999, which were the first of their kind in the state of Texas.

Presented by Genesis Women's Shelter & Support and the Dallas Police Department, the Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW) is a national clearinghouse for training on the identification, investigation and prosecution of all types of violent crimes against women, including domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking. The Conference is the largest of its kind with more than 25,000 attendees over the last 17 years from all 50 states and multiple countries.

This year, attendees will have the opportunity to choose from more than 200 engaging and timely workshops, including those in the human trafficking track, to gain tools that they can take with them and implement in their own communities. Classes are taught at CCAW with the intention of not only educating attendees but also equipping them with the necessary tools to convey information to their departments and colleagues, thereby systematically improving agencies and increasing collective skill and competency levels. Ultimately, this training facilitates improvement of policies, practices, strategies, and collaborative responses to all crimes against women.

The 2023 Conference will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas, Texas May 22 to 25. For additional information about the Conference or to register, please visit www.conferencecaw.org.

About the Conference on Crimes Against Women:

The goal of the Conference on Crimes Against Women is to create an overall reduction in the rate of crimes against women and, ultimately, eliminate violence against women. It is also, however, a primary part of our mission to improve the way crimes against women are investigated and prosecuted, as well as to improve the way victims are treated throughout the criminal justice system. The problem of domestic violence is so pervasive and at such epidemic proportions, that tangible decreases in the rate of violence against women will not be seen until huge volumes of women are safer in their homes. This volume happens through culture shifts, and conferences like CCAW create the momentum and the network for that very culture shift. For additional information about the Conference, please visit www.conferencecaw.org.

About Genesis Women's Shelter & Support:

Since opening its doors in 1985, Genesis Women's Shelter & Support has provided safety, shelter and expert counseling services to women and children who have experienced domestic violence. Genesis is committed to removing every roadblock a woman might face on her journey to the abuse-free life she deserves. These life-changing services include an emergency shelter, long-term housing, an award-winning onsite K-12 school, daycare, access to legal representation and cutting-edge therapeutics. Genesis serves more than 3,700 women and children each year, and relies on the generous support of the Dallas community to continue providing these services at no cost to clients. For more information, visit www.genesisshelter.org

1 https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/forced-labour/lang--en/index.htm

2 https://www.aclu.org/other/human-trafficking-modern-enslavement-immigrant-women-united-states

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