Le Lézard
Subjects: Product/Service, Survey, Webcast

Orion's New Behavioral Finance (BeFi) Study Reveals Half of Couples Consider Dishonesty About Money a Form of Infidelity

Orion Advisor Solutions' new Couples and Money Survey reveals that half (50%) of survey respondents, including 61% of millennials, consider dishonesty about money a form of infidelity. The survey results also show more than a quarter (27%) say their relationship would be better if their partner would change something about the way they handle money, and one in five (21%) wish they had known more about their partner's financial attitudes before committing to the relationship. A quarter (25%) of respondents have kept a purchase secret from their partner while nearly one in 10 (9%) have debts they're keeping secret from their partner.

Survey results clearly show financial friction causes a disconnect between couples. To facilitate more love and harmony, Orion is introducing a new behavioral finance tool called BeFi20 that uses technology and personality assessment to uncover financial bias, fears and needs. The tool arms advisors and their clients with more personal insights and helps position the advisor as a mediator to facilitate better communication between feuding families.

Twenty-eight percent of the surveyed investors have money-related disagreements with their partner at least monthly with 58% claiming they never have disagreements related to money. The data shows disagreements are related to fears about market risk and the economy (35% of disagreements) more often than personal spending philosophies. Nearly three in 10 respondents (29%) disagree about whether to spend for today or save for tomorrow.

"Financial advisors are gradually expanding their horizons as investment managers and are now having an even larger impact on clients' lives in a role more similar to a life coach," said Dr. Daniel Crosby, Chief Behavioral Officer at Orion. "A recent Accenture survey1 reveals half of the respondents (51%) already view their current advisor as a life coach and over nine in 10 (91%) respondents cited the importance of an advisor who ?gets' them as a person."

Orion's survey also revealed key generational differences on topics, including money conversations/disagreements, financial stressors, and hidden debts.

Introducing BeFi20

Today, Orion is introducing a new leading-edge behavioral finance tool developed by Dr. Crosby. BeFi20 helps advisors strengthen client relationships, differentiate themselves, and grow their firms. The tool aids advisor-client money conversations with both individuals and couples. When working with couples, advisors using BeFi20 can address many of the areas explored in Orion's Couples and Money survey, leading to better alignment on household money management, increased transparency and understanding with fewer money-related arguments.

The 20-question financial personality assessment can be taken by an individual client or separately by both partners in a relationship. The assessment covers five categories of questions, including communication, worry, purpose, use and need. Topics include what money means to you, how prone you are to worry about money, comfort level asking others for money, willingness to spend some of your savings, how your mood is impacted by the markets, and more. Learn more about BeFi20 here.

Upon completing the assessment, the advisor receives a unique BeFi20 persona for each participant that can be overlaid with the results of a partner, if desired, to clearly show how their money views and attitudes align or don't align in each category. The tool gives advisors discussion tips to drive conversations with meaningful, actionable insights, including a view into the client's financial values, preferences and behaviors and how those either converge or diverge with their partner. Visit orion.com/befi20 to learn more about BeFi20 available via Redtail Campaigns.

"Orion's BeFi20 merges EQ and IQ through a shareable assessment that provides advisors with emotional and attitudinal insights into their clients so they can facilitate more meaningful conversations from day one," Dr. Crosby added. "It helps advisors cast a wider net for new business and get right to work crafting goals-based investment strategies. In this time of heightened market volatility, advisors need to be in top form and using BeFi20 can engender a deeper level of trust in advisor-client relationships, helping clients feel understood. Trust is paramount - an investor is more likely to take their advisor's advice when a solid rapport and level of trust exists between client and advisor."

Orion is hosting a webinar "Deepen Client Conversations with Orion's New BeFi20 Tool" on Thursday, March 9 at 1 p.m. CT with Dr. Crosby who will be joined by Cade DeNazario Akers, financial planning product manager. Register through this link.

1 Source

Survey Methodology

TRUE Global Intelligence fielded a 7-minute survey from Aug. 22 to Aug. 26, 2022, of 500 U.S. residents with annual household incomes of at least $150K. Of the 500 respondents who completed the survey, 453 respondents who reported being in a relationship completed the questions related to attitudes about relationships and money. Respondents must also have investments in, at a minimum, one of the following areas: stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

About Orion Advisor Solutions

Orion is a premier provider of the tech-enabled fiduciary process that transforms the advisor-client relationship by enabling financial advisors to Prospect, Plan, Invest, and Achieve within a single, connected, technology-driven experience. Combined, our brand entities, Orion Advisor Tech, Orion Portfolio Solutions, Brinker Capital Investments, Redtail Technology, and TownSquare Capital create a complete offering that empowers firms to attract new clients seamlessly, connect goals more meaningfully to investment strategies and outcomes, and ultimately track progress toward each investor's unique definition of financial success. With the addition of Redtail and TownSquare, the combined platform services $3.7 trillion in assets under administration and $60 billion of wealth management platform assets (as of Dec. 31, 2022). Supporting over 5 million technology accounts and thousands of independent advisory firms, Orion is the platform of choice for all growth-focused advisory firms looking to strengthen their client relationships, gain a competitive edge in a crowded marketplace, and build strong, profitable businesses. Learn more at www.orion.com.


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