Le Lézard
Subject: Survey

Fifty Percent of TV Viewers Shop On Mobile Devices While Watching Awards Shows

LG Ad Solutions, a global leader in connected TV and cross-screen advertising, has released the findings of its Awards Show Viewer Study. The study found that during awards shows, 87% of consumers say they multitask with their mobile phone or alternative devices during the program, with 50% stating they shop on these devices while watching TV.

The study surveyed more than 750 consumers in January 2023 to explore audience preferences and perceptions during awards shows, commitment to content viewership, and the influence of alternative devices. Titled "Awards Show Viewer Study," the study also found:

"The results of our latest study pinpoint a clear and committed awards show audience that is shifting towards streaming, and who multitask and shop on their phones and tablets while watching, presenting an opportunity for brands to reach consumers and impact buying decisions in real-time," said Tony Marlow, CMO of LG Ad Solutions. "And the creative strategies within the ad slots themselves matter, too: while the majority of consumers multitask and shop on their phones and tablets, they're also more likely to buy from brands leveraging innovative, personalized ad formats like QR codes and location enhancement."

The study highlights an opportunity for brands to reach consumers in a shopper mindset during the awards show season. For more information on LG Ad Solutions and to download the full study, please visit: https://lgads.tv/resource/awards-show-viewer-study/

About LG Ad Solutions

LG Ad Solutions is a global leader in connected TV and cross-screen advertising, helping brands find hard-to-get unduplicated reach at optimal frequency across the fragmented streaming TV landscape. We bring together LG's years of experience in delivering world-class smart TVs to consumers worldwide with big TV audience data and Video AI designed to connect brands with audiences across all screens.

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