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Ipsos Poll: Twenty Three Percent of Canadians Now Rely on Charities to Meet Essential Needs

TORONTO, May 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CanadaHelps, the country's largest platform for donating and fundraising online, has published the findings from a new Ipsos poll that reveals 23% of Canadians are currently accessing charitable services to meet essential needs such as food, clothing, or shelter; this is expected to increase to 26% within six months. The alarming number of Canadians expecting to turn to charity represents a four-point increase since last fall. The poll also reveals that among those Canadians who are expecting to use essential charitable services in the next six months, 62% of them say they can't keep up with the rising cost of living, ultimately resulting in charities facing unprecedented new strains on their operations and pressure to meet growing demand.

Key Findings from the Ipsos Poll

"These numbers are stark and startling," says Duke Chang, President and Chief Executive Officer of CanadaHelps. "As a result of sustained inflation and economic pressures, Canadians are struggling and turning to charities in numbers we've never seen before. The call to action from this new data is clear ? we must rally together to ensure charities have the funding and volunteers they need to meet the tremendous growth in demand for their services, and long-term solutions are in desperate need. While charities must respond with speed and agility to new demand, the government must enact strategic, long-term, and targeted policies to help lift Canadians out of poverty."

Regional Findings from the Ipsos Poll

According to The Giving Report 2023 released last month, more than 30% of charities are reporting revenue below pre-pandemic levels and 57% of charities are reporting that they are unable to meet current levels of demand.

What Charities Are Saying

To learn about the many ways Canadians can support charities, visit CanadaHelps.

About the Ipsos Poll

These are some of the findings of an Ipsos poll conducted between April 25th and April 26th, 2023 on behalf of CanadaHelps.org. For this survey, a sample of 1,000 Canadians aged 18+ were interviewed. Weighting was then employed to balance demographics to ensure that the sample's composition reflects that of the adult population according to Census data and to provide results intended to approximate the sample universe. The precision of Ipsos online polls is measured using a credibility interval. In this case, the poll is accurate to within ±3.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, had all Canadians aged 18+ been polled. The credibility interval will be wider among subsets of the population. All sample surveys and polls may be subject to other sources of error, including, but not limited to coverage error, and measurement error.

About CanadaHelps

CanadaHelps is a public foundation advancing philanthropy through technology. For Canadians, it powers CanadaHelps.org, a safe and trusted destination for discovering and supporting any charity in Canada, and UniteforChange.com, where Canadians can learn about causes and easily support the collective work of charities addressing a cause they care about. CanadaHelps also develops affordable fundraising technology used by more than 26,000 charities, and free training and education so that, regardless of size, all charities have the capacity to increase their impact and succeed in the digital age. Since 2000, over 3.6 million people have given more than $2.3 billion through CanadaHelps. Connect with CanadaHelps on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Note to Media:
A media kit including the source survey data and graphics are available for download here.

Media Contact:
Jodi Echakowitz
Boulevard Public Relations (on behalf of CanadaHelps)
[email protected]

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