Le Lézard
Subject: Survey

Californians to School Districts: "These Are Not Your Children."

Real Impact and Rasmussen Reports today released the results from a survey of likely California voters. Results were from more than 1,300 respondents on May 18, 2023.

School districts across California are faced with decisions affecting how school administrators communicate with a student's parents regarding a child's exposure to materials and activities while at school?and most California parents want to be notified and retain decision making power over their child's education and communication with the school.

In the Rasmussen Reports survey, it was found that 69% of those surveyed strongly agree that a parent does not lose their parental rights once a child goes to school.

In the same poll, 88% of those surveyed indicated they support parental notification by school officials if their child has a change in mental conditions, like showing symptoms of depression or suicidal thoughts. The overwhelming consensus is that parents should be notified if their child is dealing with mental health challenges.

When asked the question do you support or oppose schools notifying parents if their child identifies or requests to be identified or treated as a gender that doesn't align with their biological sex? A strong majority, 69% supported this proposition while a combined 24% opposed.

"The data clearly shows that California parents support transparency and accountable policies, making it mandatory for the school administrations to inform parents if their child is facing any of these challenges or lifestyle changes," said Gina Gleason, Executive Director of Real Impact. "Parents are attending school board meetings in droves to show that despite what the education establishment thinks, children, their well-being, and upbringing are not responsibility of the school or state, it's the responsibility of the parents."

KEY INSIGHT: Do you agree or disagree with this statement: "A person loses their parental rights when a child enters public school":

You can view the entire poll here: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/california_voters_support_parental_rights_by_overwhelming_margins

Real Impact is a non-profit public policy organization that promotes and defends the rights of Christians and the Church, helping drive positive change for society.

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