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Novel Niche for "Missy's Twitch": The Only Book of its Kind

NEW YORK, Oct. 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- This month's release of Jon Pepper's novel Missy's Twitch is the only entrant into a genre best characterized as "Wry Cli-Fi." The story is an amusing satirical shot at the climate alarmism that has scared a generation into thinking the world is about to end.

Kirkus Reviews: "An enjoyably irreverent depiction of political alarmism... edifying, entertaining, and often very funny."

Missy's Twitch centers on the heiress to an energy fortune whose overwhelming anxiety about climate change and her family's possible role in it causes her an involuntary twitch. Missy's affliction, diagnosed by an enterprising therapist as climatosis, spreads to her suggestible friends, goes viral via social media, and becomes a rallying point for alarmists to promote their cause for political and commercial reasons.

"Skeptics of climate alarmism abound in the scientific community, but they're barely visible to the larger world," Pepper says. "Doomsayers have successfully cut off debate and dominated popular culture, including movies, TV, novels, media, and education. It's no wonder 'Missy' has this Wry Cli-Fi category to herself."

The book, the fourth in Pepper's series, Fossil Feuds, has won significant critical praise.

The website Watts Up With That observed, "Fictional contrarian views of climate change are rare, the most notable example being Michael Crichton's State of Fear in 2004. Missy's Twitch takes a more humorous approach on the issue, but still manages to make an effective case that's definitely worth reading."

The book, published by North Cove Press, is available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook through major chains, regional booksellers, and independent bookstores in 29 countries.

Jon Pepper Books website: www.jonpepperbooks.com
Interview with Jon Pepper (48 minutes): Jon Pepper: Missy's Twitch?new satire book on climate alarmism | Tom Nelson Pod #154 - YouTube
Video (1 minute 41 seconds) on Missy's Twitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0_uBQxvvXo

Sarah Collier
Indelable LLC
[email protected]

SOURCE Indelable

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