Le Lézard
Classified in: Science and technology
Subject: Personnel

Wayve appoints Emma Baillie as Vice President of People

Wayve, the self-driving technology company reimagining mobility with embodied AI, is excited to announce Emma Baillie as its new Vice President of People. In her role, Emma will lead all aspects of the company's human resources, including talent strategy, organisational effectiveness, and the development of people-centric initiatives to support the company's growth trajectory.

With a remarkable career spanning over 30 years in strategic human resources and eight years as a C-suite leader in the technology sector, Emma brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Wayve. She has a proven track record in change management, successfully guiding organisations through rapid growth periods, scaling them from 60 to 3,000 people and beyond.

Emma joins Wayve from Legend, an online media & technology company, where she served as Chief People Officer. Before that, she held similar roles at Ebiquity, Dealogic, and Vista, working with high-growth technology firms and financial institutions.

Alex Kendall, Co-founder & CEO, Wayve says:

"I'm delighted to welcome Emma as Wayve's new VP of People. Her extensive experience and deep understanding of scaling organisations make her an excellent addition to our Leadership Team. I'm excited to partner with her in shaping our culture and supporting our people as we accelerate Wayve's growth. Emma's joining represents our continued commitment to investing in building a world-class culture to unlock Embodied AI. Welcome, Emma!"

Emma Baillie, VP of People, Wayve says:

"I'm proud to join Wayve's world-class team and to lead the People function. Drawing from my experience in other high-growth companies, I am eager to help Wayve ensure the scaling process is well-supported from a people perspective. I'm committed to guiding our talented people on their career journey with Wayve."

About Wayve

Wayve is on a mission to reimagine autonomous mobility through embodied intelligence. Founded in 2017, Wayve is made up of a global team of experts in machine learning and robotics from top organisations around the world. We were the first to deploy autonomous vehicles on public roads with end-to-end deep learning, pioneering the AI software, lean hardware, and fleet learning platform for AV2.0: a next-generation autonomous driving system that can quickly and safely adapt to new driving domains anywhere in the world.

Wayve has raised over $258M and is backed by Eclipse Ventures, D1 Capital Partners, Baillie Gifford, Moore Strategic Ventures, Balderton Capital, Virgin, and Ocado Group. The team is based in London and California, with a fleet of vehicles testing in cities across the UK. Wayve aims to be the first to deploy autonomy in 100 cities. To learn more, visit www.wayve.ai.

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