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Neurohacker Collective and ChromaDex Partner to Optimize Cellular Health with the Debut of Qualia NAD+

Qualia NAD+, Featuring ChromaDex's Patented Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) Ingredient, Niagen, Well Positioned To Become Category Leader In NAD+ Supplementation.

SAN DIEGO, Dec. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Neurohacker Collective, an acclaimed American science team that has been formulating advanced nutritional supplements since 2015, has just created an NAD+ supplement called Qualia NAD+ that tackles the challenge of boosting NAD+ levels in aging Americans.*

A promising pilot study on Qualia NAD+ resulted in 95% of participants rating the experience as "excellent" to "good."*

Qualia NAD+'s NR is in the form of Niagen, one of the most efficient NAD+ precursors as it can cross the cell membrane directly, which is created by ChromaDex, a global authority on NAD+ and healthy aging research. As the only successfully FDA-notified form of NR on the market, Niagen represents the highest quality and scientific standards, backed by two Nobel Prize Winners, over 25 human clinical studies, 300+ published studies and is clinically proven to boost NAD+ levels up to 51%.*

Click here to learn how Qualia NAD+ can provide support for optimized NAD+ levels in adults and boost your NAD+ levels up to 50%.

"Created with the highest scientific rigor and quality standards, our patented Niagen NR ingredient is the most efficient precursor available because it can cross the cell membrane directly," states ChromaDex Senior Vice President of Business Development, Jason Campbell. "We look forward to this partnership with Neurohacker Collective as the unique Qualia NAD+ formulation will expand the positive effects of our precious Niagen to more people worldwide."*

In the last decade, science has discovered countless links between healthy aging, and maintaining high levels of the molecule NAD+. In humans, NAD+ levels have been shown to decline naturally by up to 65% between age 30 and 70 and due to everyday stressors (overeating, a sedentary lifestyle, excess sun exposure, and others), making NAD+ a contributor to age-related decline

As a result, supplements to support high NAD+ levels now generate over half a billion dollars in annual revenue, with 13% annual market growth projected between 2022 and 2030.

The human body actually makes the NAD+ molecule. It's sometimes called "the aging molecule" due to its many roles in promoting optimal health as we age. This is because NAD+ plays an essential role in vital cellular processes including mitochondrial function, cellular energy production, and DNA repair. 

While moderate exercise and calorie restriction can naturally elevate NAD+, leading researchers have identified that supplementation with precursors, or building blocks of NAD+, are perhaps the most direct and potent way to increase levels because precursors readily convert to NAD+ within our cells. Examples include:

What Makes Qualia NAD+ Unique?

Many NAD+ supplements provide one of these NAD+ precursors. However, each person's physiology is slightly different in terms of how efficiently it can convert one NAD+ precursor vs. another.

Qualia NAD+ therefore provides all three NAD+ precursors listed above, along with eleven other ingredients shown to support additional aspects of NAD+ production.*

Additionally, a promising pilot study on Qualia NAD+ resulted in 95% of participants rating their experience with the formula as "good" to "excellent."*

"NAD+ levels have become a key indicator of monitoring how well someone is aging," states Neurohacker Collective CEO James Schmachtenberger.*

"Our science team was uniquely equipped to formulate a revolutionary NAD+ product because optimizing NAD+ levels requires the type of complex nutritional science we've specialized in for nearly a decade. Qualia NAD+ provides consumers the type of deeply comprehensive NAD+ support that the market had been lacking."

"We also valued impeccable sourcing for each ingredient we selected. For example, we're honored to partner with ChromaDex to use their patented Niagen NR as it is an ingredient at the forefront of the NAD+ industry-leading in quality and clinical evidence. We used a similar vetting philosophy for every ingredient in the formula."*

Some of the most credentialed and respected aging scientists in the world, from Dr. Charles Brenner, one of the world's foremost NAD+ experts, to Dr. Rhonda Patrick, have recently elevated public awareness concerning NAD+ on popular podcasts such as Joe Rogan,Lex Friedman, and Simon Hill.

The gold rush on how to best crack the code of NAD+ production makes the market potential of a formula like Qualia NAD+ potentially category-leading.

"This is our 3rd product that promotes better aging." adds Schmachtenberger. "If we can help millions of people enjoy 20 or 30 extra years of living in prime health, then we're creating the type of transformative changes that inspired us to form as a science team in the first place."*

"It's such an exciting time at the frontier of nutritional science right now, and our research is constantly striving to contribute to the forefront of aging science."*

Qualia NAD+ became available through neurohacker.com beginning in early October, with an expanded product launch anticipated in additional channels shortly.

About Neurohacker

Neurohacker Collective was established in 2015 to enhance the quality of life through cutting-edge well-being formulations. Their science team emphasizes the principles of naturopathy and has pioneered formulation techniques using complex systems science, which recognizes the body's inherent self-regulation capacity as a key factor in addressing various health issues. Initially, they focused on developing brain health and mental performance supplements, including their flagship product Qualia Mind. Over time, they have expanded their product range to include formulations for sleep, longevity, vision, skin, and energy, with ongoing efforts to develop and expand their product line.

About ChromaDex:

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC) is a global bioscience company dedicated to healthy aging. The ChromaDex team, which includes world-renowned scientists, is pioneering research on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), levels of which decline with age. ChromaDex is the innovator behind NAD+ precursor nicotinamide riboside (NR), commercialized as the flagship ingredient Niagen®. Nicotinamide riboside and other NAD+ precursors are protected by ChromaDex's patent portfolio. ChromaDex maintains a website at www.chromadex.com to which ChromaDex regularly posts copies of its press releases as well as additional and financial information about the Company.

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements are not intended as general medical advice. This product is not a replacement for prescription medication. Please consult your physician before taking any dietary supplements. This ad represents the personal experience and opinions of the author, and is not a guarantee, promise, or reflection of other users' results.

SOURCE Neurohacker Collective

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