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Subjects: CHI, CFG

Creating more child care spaces for families in Ontario

ST. THOMAS, ON, May 13, 2024 /CNW/ - Every child deserves the best start in life. But for young families, including Millennial parents, the costs of child care can add up to a second rent or mortgage payment. This makes it harder to start and support a family, and as a result, parents ? especially moms ? often face impossible choices between their careers and child care fees.

Budget 2024 is about fairness for every generation. And it is why we introduced $10-a-day child care across Canada ? with all provinces and territories already offering, or working toward, $10-a-day child care. This progress, made possible by nearly $40 billion in federal support, is making life more affordable for young families. Now, the participation of women in the workforce has reached record highs. That means more families are bringing home more income and growing our economy, while saving thousands of dollars on child care every year.

We need to keep this work going and that means creating more affordable child care spaces.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that the Government of Canada is providing Ontario with $201.87 million to create child care spaces and support inclusive child care services across the province, especially in underserved communities. This investment, part of the previously announced $625 million Early Learning and Child Care Infrastructure Fund, will help Ontario reach our goal of creating 86,000 new child care spaces by 2026 ? meaning more families in Ontario can access affordable spaces.

It will mean more spaces in rural and remote regions, high-cost and low-income urban neighbourhoods, and communities that face barriers to access, including racialized groups, Indigenous Peoples, official language minority communities, newcomers, as well as parents, caregivers, and children with disabilities. We are working with all other provincial and territorial partners to reach similar funding agreements.

The Prime Minister also highlighted key measures included in Budget 2024 to build more child care spaces and infrastructure, support early childhood educators across the country, and help more families access affordable child care. These include:

In just three years, we've made incredible progress in building the Canada-wide early learning and child care system. Across the country, over 750,000 kids are already benefiting from affordable, high-quality child care, with some families saving up to $14,300 per child, per year. Alongside provinces and territories, we have also announced measures to create over 100,000 new spaces, well on our way to reaching our goal of creating 250,000 new spaces by March 2026.

The measures highlighted above are just some of the things that we're doing in Budget 2024 to build a fairer and more inclusive Canada for every generation. We're also building more homes, improving health care, and investing in our economy ? to make sure every Canadian has a fair chance to succeed.


"Affordable child care gives moms and dads the opportunity to build their careers, helps families save money, and gives kids the best start to life. With Budget 2024, we're creating more child care spaces, hiring more early childhood educators, giving them more training, and working with provinces like Ontario to make sure families get the care they deserve. Affordable, quality child care ? that's what fairness looks like."
? The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

"Young families who don't yet have access to affordable child care spaces are paying nearly a second rent or mortgage payment for unregulated child care. This is unfair to today's generation of parents, including Millennial parents, who need and deserve the relief of $10-a-day spaces. With today's new agreement with Ontario to build more affordable spaces, we are helping more families access affordable child care and save thousands of dollars every year."
? The Hon. Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

"Affordable, high-quality child care has provided families with financial relief and is giving thousands of children the best possible start in life. Over 3,000,000 families in Ontario are already benefitting from thousands of dollars in savings in their childcare fees each year. With this new agreement, and the measures laid out in Budget 2024, Ontario has the funding and tools its needs to create spaces and reduce waitlists for parents across the province."
? The Hon. Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

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SOURCE Prime Minister's Office

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