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Evidence of God From Former Paramedic: Massive Coronary Patient Brought Back To Life and Other Stories

Xulon Press presents author's personal memoir of experiencing God's hand; noteworthy events in 60+ years of life where he now recognizes God was there.

LAWRENCEBURG, Ky., May 20, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Author Bro. "Mac" Whitnel shares his powerful stories of God's intervention to motivate spiritual growth in God Didn't Want Him to Die Today ($33.99, paperback, 9781662895005; $9.99, e-book, 9781662895012).

...upon returning to the hospital we were told that our first patient had literally come back from the dead and left the hospital with no ill effects. I witnessed that.

Whitnel worked for the Lexington Fayette County Fire and Emergency Management Department for 29 years, 13 of which he was a paramedic. Based on an experience while working, he says that miraculous story along with other stories from his life that opened his eyes to the fact there is a God of this Universe. Recognizing that some readers will be skeptical to his claims written in this book, he attests to the validity of each event in his life, some dating back to elementary school, where he now understands that God was present. It was only in later years that while reflecting, he put the events together and knows that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit had direct interaction in so many decision-making instances, doing what was right as scripted by God.

When asked what inspired the author to write this book, Whitnel said, "As a paramedic, I responded to a first aid call, and we found a patient who had a massive coronary. Our EC Unit gave all the outside of the hospital care that was allowed. When we arrived at the hospital and released the patient to the hospital care we were given a second Emergency Care first aid run which we completed and upon returning to the hospital we were told that our first patient had literally come back from the dead and left the hospital with no ill effects. I witnessed that."

Bro. "Mac" Whitnel was born in Louisville, Kentucky, a post war child who grew up in a time that had so many firsts along with many of the problems that plagued society for hundreds of years. This is Whitnel's first book, and while he acknowledges that he is clueless to what's going to happen tomorrow, he understands that he is on a journey for God to wherever he is needed for the sake of others. Whitnel enjoys interacting with people who are desperate for the ability to improve their standard of living. He also enjoys building things with his hands and then proudly admiring what he built.

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world's largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 20,000 titles published to date. God Didn't Want Him to Die Today is available online through
xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.

Media Contact

Bro. Mac Whitnel, Salem Author Services, (502) 352-0695, [email protected]

SOURCE Xulon Press

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