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TNT Fireworks Launches a New Public Safety Campaign Focusing on Illegal Fireworks Coming from Nevada and the Safe Disposal of State-Approved Fireworks

Campaign Urges the Governor to Authorize an Effort to Ensure That Illegal Fireworks Bought in Nevada, Stay in Nevada

SACRAMENTO, Calif., June 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TNT Fireworks, the state's leading wholesale distributor of State Fire Marshal-Approved, Safe and Sane Fireworks announced a public safety campaign to tackle the pressing issue of illegal fireworks entering California from Nevada. The campaign also emphasizes the safe disposal of state-approved fireworks.

Commitment to Safety, Quality, and Service

Since entering the California market in 1989, TNT Fireworks has been dedicated to supporting the nonprofit organizations that serve as its retail partners. Currently, 296 California communities allow the sale and use of state-approved fireworks each 4th of July, generating over $110 million for 2700+ nonprofit organizations. Carson Anderson, President of TNT Fireworks, states, "We are in the business of helping nonprofit organizations raise money to fund positive impacts on the youth, seniors, disadvantaged, veterans, sports, and school programs in your community."

TNT Fireworks has demonstrated a strong commitment to fireworks safety and education, as highlighted by several key initiatives:

Addressing the Illegal Fireworks Problem

A recent report by the 2023-2024 San Francisco City and County Grand Jury titled "Uncontrolled Burn: Dimming the Spark of Illegal Fireworks in San Francisco" underscores the urgent need to address the issue of illegal fireworks.

The report states:

"Some people wrongly assume that a big part of the problem with so many fireworks being launched into the San Francisco sky or causing the window-rattling explosions is neighboring cities such as Pacifica, permitting the sale of the California-approved 'Safe and Sane' fireworks. However, one can see from the type of fireworks permitted for sale and use in some California cities that these sorts of fireworks are not the kind that launch into the air or could make such loud explosions. The San Francisco firework explosions booming around the city are more likely from fireworks that are illegal in California, but which are for sale in the neighboring state of Nevada."

Most informed estimates suggest that the thirteen stores in Nevada account for at least 60 to 70 percent of the illegal fireworks used in California.

The Need for State Action

Illegal fireworks pose a significant safety risk and disrupt community well-being. The root of the problem lies in the availability of illegal fireworks immediately across the border in Nevada, which are then purchased and transported into California. State action is necessary to curtail this flow. An Interstate Compact on fireworks sold in these thirteen Nevada brick-and-mortar stores, constraining their transport into California, would be a critical step in addressing this issue. The General Fireworks Advisory Committee to the State Fire Marshal has recommended that the State Fire Marshal submit a White Paper to Governor Newsom that requests that the State Fire Marshal and the California Attorney General be authorized to explore the possibility of establishing a task force comprised of fire and law enforcement agencies from California and Nevada to collaboratively address the issue of illegal fireworks as well as to negotiate an interstate compact with Nevada to better control the flow of illegal fireworks into California.

State-Approved Fireworks: Part of the Solution, Not the Problem

Contrary to some beliefs, state-approved safe and sane fireworks are not contributing to the problem of illegal fireworks. In fact, many communities that have introduced state-approved fireworks have seen a significant decrease in illegal fireworks complaints, often by as much as 50% in the first year.

New Campaign: "Be Responsible! Dispose of Used Fireworks Properly."

TNT Fireworks also launched a new campaign to ensure the safe disposal of used fireworks. Consumers are urged to:

For further information on the scope of the Illegal Fireworks problem in California; the Nevada Firework stores, and the scope and purpose of the proposed Interstate Compact between California and Nevada go to: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/2hkttvl6eiq7zpvhryas4/ALyHko4WlgJYcw-c1DMIqOo?rlkey=94jhahx0h1904fgczh7ejkwu1&st=vcih8qbv&dl=0

TNT Fireworks is committed to fostering a safer community through education, awareness, and proactive measures against illegal fireworks.

About TNT Fireworks TNT Fireworks is the leading wholesale distributor of State Fire Marshal-Approved Fireworks in California. With a focus on safety, quality, and service, TNT Fireworks supports over 2,700 nonprofit organizations in their fundraising efforts to benefit local communities.

Media Contact:
Dennis C. Revell
Revell Communications
[email protected]

California Fireworks Newswire: (presskit247.com)

TNT Fireworks (PRNewsfoto/TNT Fireworks)

SOURCE TNT Fireworks

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