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Nationally, French Bulldog Holds On To The Top Spot

NEW YORK, March 18, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The Labrador Retriever took Raleigh's number one spot in the American Kennel Club's (AKC®) 2024 ranking of the most popular AKC-recognized dog breeds in the U.S. again. The Lab has been the city's top dog for more than two decades.

The Lab was also recognized as the #1 pup in Richmond, VA and Long Island, NY.

While there were no changes to Raleigh's top five most popular breeds in 2024, the German Shorthaired Pointer broke into the city's top 10. The GSP came in at number 10, up five spots from 2023. Additionally, the Bulldog was knocked out of the top 10, landing at number 12.

"Retrievers have their paws wrapped around the hearts of Raleigh's citizens," said AKC Executive Secretary Gina DiNardo.  "Both the Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever have held the first and second spots, respectively, for many years. Labs and Goldens are fabulous dogs that make great companions for active families."

A breed's popularity does not mean it is the right breed for you. The AKC encourages dog lovers to do their research and find the right breed for your lifestyle to begin your journey of responsible dog ownership.

Raleigh's top 5 breeds for 2024:

  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. Golden Retriever
  3. French Bulldog
  4. German Shepherd Dog
  5. Poodle

* Registration data pulled from Raleigh zip codes as specified by U.S. Postal Service

The American Kennel Club also announced its nationwide rankings today. It's a three-peat for the Frenchie! The beloved French Bulldog is America's most popular breed for the third year in a row, according to AKC registration statistics.

While the playful and adaptable French Bulldog's popularity shows no signs of slowing, the smart and courageous Cane Corso has been quietly climbing the charts since becoming recognized by the AKC in 2010. Over the past decade, registrations for this loyal breed have increased 414% and it has gone from 48th most popular in 2014 to 14th in 2024.

2024 Most Popular Dogs in the U.S.

1. French Bulldog

2. Labrador Retriever

3. Golden Retriever

4. German Shepherd Dog

5. Poodle

6. Dachshund

7. Beagle

8. Rottweiler

9. Bulldog

10. German Shorthaired Pointer

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About the American Kennel Club

Founded in 1884, the American Kennel Club is a not-for-profit organization which maintains the largest registry of purebred dogs in the world and oversees the sport of purebred dogs in the United States. The AKC is dedicated to upholding the integrity of its registry, promoting the sport of purebred dogs and breeding for type and function.  Along with its more than 5,000 licensed and member clubs and its affiliated organizations, the AKC advocates for the purebred dog as a family companion, advances canine health and well-being, works to protect the rights of all dog owners and promotes responsible dog ownership. More than 26,000 competitions for AKC-registered purebred and mixed breed dogs are held under AKC rules and regulations each year including conformation, agility, obedience, rally, tracking, herding, lure coursing, coonhound events, scent work, hunt tests, field and earthdog tests.

Affiliate AKC organizations include the AKC Humane Fund, AKC Canine Health Foundation, AKC Reunite, the AKC Museum of the Dog, and the AKC Purebred Preservation Bank.  For more information, visit www.akc.org.

AKC, American Kennel Club, the American Kennel Club seal and design, and all associated marks and logos are trademarks, registered trademarks and service marks of The American Kennel Club, Inc.

Become a fan of the American Kennel Club on Facebook and follow us on Instagram @americankennelclub.

SOURCE The American Kennel Club, Inc.

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