Le Lézard

News by subject: AVO

29 september 2021

For the anniversary of its Action Plan on Racism and Discrimination, the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (AFNQL) wants to reach out to the population and institutions in the province of Quebec. "To achieve the reconciliation that we are...

To commemorate the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, BMO today announced $600,000 in donations to Indigenous organizations...

We are now witnessing an unprecedented health care crisis in Alberta and Saskatchewan ? and patients and health workers are experiencing unfathomable choices and consequences. Early relaxation of public health measures has left two crumbling health...

Ontario's home care system is in crisis and needs an urgent $600M investment in order to give patients the care they need, according to Home Care Ontario which launched a new campaign today to highlight the growing problems in the sector. The...

Obaggo, the world's first and only in-home plastic bag and packaging film recycling appliance became available for pre-order today though the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform, providing the first-ever solution to one of the most difficult recycling...

The American Psychological Association recently signed a contract for the newest book about Functional Family Therapy. The book, titled Functional Family Therapy: An evolving evidence-based treatment for contemporary family issues is authored by...

A problematic ingredient propped up by a well-oiled public relations machine has met its match: fed-up eaters. Mobilized for the past...

SourceAmerica®  calls on lawmakers to include the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Restoration Act in the Build Back Better Plan. This act would revamp the Supplemental Security Income Program for the first time in three decades and positively...

Despite the economic challenges that COVID-19 brought about, for millions of working Canadians who have remained on payroll since March 2020, the pandemic seems to have been a financial windfall ? but these gains may be...

A new report from the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices, Canada's independent climate policy research institute, finds that climate change impacts could leave Canadians physically and financially under water as a warming and increasingly...

In response to the Sept. 27, 2021, interview in The New Yorker with Swedish climate activist Andreas Malm who advocates for 'intelligent sabotage' of critical infrastructure that underpins modern society, The New Yorker is morally obliged to...

28 september 2021

Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing ("CASN") issued a statement today addressing the current state of health human resources in Canada, specifically in response to the current nurse shortages reported across the nation. "The unremitting...

Congressmen G. K. Butterfield (D-NC-01) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL-12), the driving political forces behind the realization of the Cancer Patient Equity Act (CPEA 2021), have been instrumental champions of the SHEPHERD Foundation's "Rare isn't Rare"...

On this Right to Know Day, the Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ) calls on the federal government, provincial governments, municipalities, and other publicly-funded agencies, once again, to take meaningful steps towards implementing...

As we enter the 19th month of the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to recent harassment of health workers, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is launching a campaign to encourage Canadians to express their support of Canada's health workforce....

Policy makers should acknowledge homeschooling as a viable option, offer support to families considering it After steadily increasing for years, the number of parents choosing to homeschool their children skyrocketed during the pandemic, and policy...

U.S. Term Limits is calling out Rep. Gary Palmer (AL-6) for breaking his pledge to cosponsor and vote for the U.S. Terms Limits amendment with a second billboard in his district along with a heavy targeted digital advertising campaign informing...

UNICEF Canada, long-associated with their iconic orange trick-or-treat donation boxes, is back with its Halloween Walk-a-thon campaign. It's easy for kids and families to get in on the fun-draising spirit this season. Families can raise money through...

In just eight months in office, the Biden-Harris administration has created an unprecedented border, immigration, national security, national health and humanitarian crisis along our southern border. On September 29 and 30, some 60 national and local...

The Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations (COPOMIAO) has denounced the decision of the New York Times' Ad Acceptability Team to not run an advertisement promoting the Italian American community's stance on current rhetoric...

Friends of Science Society have issued an open letter to Canadians, suggesting that Canada take good news to the upcoming UN COP26 meeting in Glasgow ? that the climate emergency is over, and we do have time for a thoughtful energy transition instead...

27 september 2021

With the public's interest in cannabis on the uprise, it was only a matter of time before historic firsts would start to be made. In this instance; LegalLEAF, the world's only Cannabis Activism Cryptocurrency, has struck a first-of-its-kind...

#FreePeterMax is a grassroots movement demanding the release of 84-year-old renowned artist Peter Max from an unconstitutional and predatory guardianship that has severely restricted his access to family and friends while depleting his bank account...

CGTN America releases "MENG WANZHOU EXPRESSES GRATITUDE TO CHINA." Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei, expressed gratitude to China for getting her home in a story covered from day one on CGTN. "Without a strong motherland, there would...

Madeline Erickson, of Bismarck, ND, has been named a Youth Advocate of the Year by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Madeline will be honored on September 29, 2021, for her leadership in the fight against tobacco at the Tobacco-Free Kids' annual...

Aditya Indla, of Union City, CA, has been named a Youth Advocate of the Year by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Aditya will be honored on September 29, 2021, for his leadership in the fight against tobacco at the Tobacco-Free Kids' annual Youth...

Vinayak Menon, of Suwanee, GA, has been named a Youth Advocate of the Year by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Vinayak will be honored on September 29, 2021, for his leadership in the fight against tobacco at the Tobacco-Free Kids' annual Youth...

The members of the Coalition for Tobacco-Free Hawaii Youth Council have been named Group Youth Advocates of the Year by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Members of the group will be honored on September 29, 2021, for their leadership in the fight...

Last Chance for Animals (LCA), an international animal rights organization, is pleased to see the defeat of Fisheries Minister, Bernadette Jordan.  Minister Jordan signed off on the controversial export of five beluga whales ? Havok, Jetta,...

Cutting fertilizer use to reduce on-farm emissions could cost growers nearly $48 billion over the next eight years, says a newly released report by Meyers Norris Penny (MNP). New Report Warns of Potential for $48...

The Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) wishes to congratulate Canada's new Liberal Government in forming the 44th Parliament and is eager to continue the important work of collaborating with all parties on solutions to Canada's most...

Registered Nurses (RNs) have called in an Independent Assessment Committee (IAC) to review patient safety and RN staffing levels at Southlake Regional Health Centre's Medical Assessment Consultation Unit (MACU). The RNs at Southlake Regional Health...

A news report by China.org.cn on Universal Beijing Resort: The Universal Beijing Resort officially opened on Sept. 20. This is the world's fifth and the largest Universal Studios theme park.   It is a "universal" resort, but a "localized" approach...

26 september 2021

"I'm finally back home," Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou said when landing at the Shenzhen airport Saturday evening.   After nearly three years of being held under house arrest in Canada, Meng and her legal...

24 september 2021

Alcohol Justice, Youth for Justice, and the San Rafael Alcohol and Drug Coalition held a news conference yesterday on the sidewalk in front of United Liquors at the west end of 4th Street. The event marked the release of a new report titled: OUR...

September 27th marks the first anniversary of Azerbaijan's unprovoked invasion of the Artsakh Republic (Nagorno-Karabakh), where for 44 days the region's indigenous Armenian population were subject to a systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing. Armed...

United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and Huawei Technologies Chief Financial Officer Sabrina Meng have reached a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) in a case bringing federal charges against Ms. Meng for bank and wire fraud. In 2018, Ms. Meng...

The US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate says, "We are the best branded source in the nation for a Navy Veteran who has recently been diagnosed with mesothelioma and we want people like this to receive the best possible financial...

23 september 2021

Revolting, inconceivable, unacceptable and deeply unfair ... Words fail to describe the disrespectful practice suffered by too many First Nations and Inuit women in Quebec, without their consent, a reality revealed in broad daylight during a report...

This is a news report from chinadaily.com.cn: President Xi Jinping expounded on China's positions on a range of important issues when he addressed the General Debate of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly via video link on...

Canada's Premiers* extend their congratulations to the recently re-elected Prime Minister and call on him to engage soon in a constructive dialogue with Premiers on Canadians' number one priority: health care. Premiers met on September 23, 2021 by...

Doctors, lawyers, and politicians from three continents called on the international community to ensure an end to China's practice of forced organ harvesting during the first half of the World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ...

We at CBC/Radio-Canada add our voice in support of all journalists who are subject to online harassment and worse, because of the work that they do....

American Jewish Committee (AJC) welcomes the introduction today of a resolution in the U.S. Senate urging the European Union to designate Hezbollah in its entirety as a terror organization. The bipartisan resolution was introduced by Senators Jacky...

Retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Mike Gableman sent a letter to county clerks on Thursday formally inviting them to meet with him personally to discuss any questions, concerns, or observations they might have regarding his ongoing...

Commissioner of Official Languages Raymond Théberge made the following statement today: "Official languages have been the focus of much media attention over the past year. The amount of coverage they have received shows how important our official...

Dr. Michael Everest is known across California for his philanthropic work in the medical community. After the passing of Dr. Edwin Everest, Dr. Michael Everest began taking over his duties at The Everest Foundation. This organization is dedicated to...

A news report by China.org.cn on China's recent reforms on education:   Recently, some Western media noticed a reform measure taken by Shanghai's education authorities: The cosmopolitan city has canceled English exams in elementary schools. In an...

Working Ontario Women (WOW), a non-profit organization dedicated to changing women's lives for the better and amplifying their voices, is launching a new half-hour digital news program highlighting the successes and struggles of everyday working...

Critical Race Theory, or CRT, is a controversial topic that has ignited a contentious national dialogue. Those who argue against using CRT in the classroom often portray it as a frightening "symbolic enemy" to help drive people who hold a wide...