Le Lézard

News by subject: AVO

7 september 2023

On September 8th, accompanied by his legal team, TOBAGROWN's Jesse Lavoie will present their final arguments in a 3 year legal battle against the conservative provincial government's ban on Manitoba's federal right to grow 4 cannabis plants for...

In a September 6, 2023, tweet climate activist Greta Thunberg called for climate activists to...

6 september 2023

New York Teamsters are commending the signing of a bill protecting worker free speech rights (S.4982/A.6604) into state law by Gov. Kathy Hochul. The legislation bans mandatory attendance at "captive audience" meetings ? employer-held, closed-door...

Firstly, the Coalition of Candidates both stands arm-in-arm and are in complete agreement with the ECB (and the RNC's recent Resolution: A "Return to Excellence" in America's Voting and Elections) regarding a solution focused on positive,...

Online content hub LaborStrong.Live relaunches today with more resources for and by union leaders and members. LaborStrong.Live first debuted in 2020 as an online video community where union leaders and labor members and supporters could spotlight...

The Association of Law Firm Diversity Professionals (ALFDP) is disturbed by the growing trend of "test case" litigation seeking to undermine diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts in industries across the U.S. ? and it is of great concern that...

The Canadian Journalism Foundation's (CJF) popular J-Talks Live kicks off the 2023/24 season on September 20 (1 p.m. EDT) with an exploration of the Online News Act's impact on journalism and Canadian democracy....

5 september 2023

The Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA), the voice of the consumer reporting industry, today launched a public awareness campaign highlighting the harms that California's Delete Act (Senate Bill 362) poses to consumers. The effort includes...

Before paying insureds for the contents of their homes destroyed by the Maui Wildfire, insurers are requiring survivors to submit detailed "personal property inventories." Preparing the inventories can take hours or even days.  Many survivors find it...

The Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) has issued a Notice of Hearing alleging that GRS Hydrogen Solutions Inc. (GRS) and its President & CEO, Albert Eugene Cerenzie, breached Alberta securities laws by engaging in illegal distributions, prohibited...

Members of the Ontario Nurses' Association (ONA) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), along with community members, labour and business supporters, will rally outside the Hastings & Prince Edward County Public Health building tomorrow...

SolarTech, a leading provider of solar solutions in California and Arizona, is urging individuals and groups to join forces against the potential negative impacts of VNEM 3.0. With the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) vote scheduled for...

"Insurers collected more than $150 billion in premiums from California homeowners over the last 25 years and enjoyed profits at four times the average rate nationwide. Now they're demanding an unprecedented bailout from the California Legislature in...

31 august 2023

Advocates of Ukraine, in collaboration with prominent organizations and religious institutions, have announced the launch of a global campaign to raise awareness for the man-made famine known as the Holodomor genocide during its 90th anniversary...

30 august 2023

Members of Unifor Local 1132 at the Crofton mill in British Columbia received notice on Monday, August 28 that the scheduled restart of the mill, slated for the end of the month, has been delayed by at least another 30 days, leaving workers and their...

Ahead of Labor Day, the California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA) is highlighting state agencies that do a poor job serving taxpayers. The group's latest target, and the subject of a new TV commercial airing this week, is the California...

The Partnership for Quality Home Healthcare (the Partnership) submitted a comment letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on August 29 warning that the Calendar Year (CY) 2024 Home Health (HH) Prospective Payment System Proposed...

Government officials and physicians don't always agree on the value of prescription drugs, a new paper from the Alliance for Patient Access explains, and the discrepancy could impact patient care when U.S. officials begin price negotiations for...

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) welcomes the support of the New Democratic Party, the Bloc Québécois and the Green Party on the need to extend the current Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) repayment deadline. Only four...

A group of prominent scientists and practitioners have said there is 'no clear scientific consensus to support a blanket ban against controlled vegetation burning on heather moorland' and that 'policy decisions are being influenced by special...

29 august 2023

This morning, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the first 10 Part D drugs to be subject to Medicare price-setting. Sue Peschin, MHS, President and CEO at the Alliance for Aging Research, issued the following statement in...

The Teamsters are calling on California Governor Gavin Newsom to end his opposition to Assembly Bill 316 in response to new polling data, which shows nearly three-quarters of Californians support the legislation, and reports that three California...

A proposed new California law would allow life insurance agents to mislead their consumer customers by saying they have no conflicts of interest with the consumer even if the agent stands to gain many thousands of dollars if the consumer accepts the...

28 august 2023

The descendant community of U.S. chattel slaves, descendants of free Negroes, and unaffiliated Negro descendants of slaves to Native American tribes (collectively "Freedmen") alleges that a widespread anti-Black trend in American politics fuels...

JewBelong, a national nonprofit organization that aims to make Judaism accessible and fight antisemitism, unveiled sixteen new billboards in four cities, St. Louis, Denver, Minneapolis, and San Diego. Through provocative humor, the campaign aims to...

Today, Dene lawyer Jennifer Duncan is in Geneva leading up to Canada's 4th Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Pre-Session to draw international attention to Canada's continued mass incarceration of Indigenous people. Jennifer Duncan is voicing the calls...

Out of a growing concern over a likely imprisonment of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus, more than 160 global leaders including more than 100 Nobel Laureates wrote an open letter to Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stating "...we are...

25 august 2023

At a time when the Committee on Institutions of the National Assembly of Québec is preparing to begin its specific consultations on Bill 32, an Act to establish the cultural safety approach within the health and social services network, the decision...

Components of the community corrections program will be broadcast live from the Marriott Marquis Times Square, August 27 - 30 as nearly 2000 probation and parole officers converge on New York for the 48th Annual Training Institute of the American...

Association Québécoise pour la promotion de la santé des personnes utilisatrices de drogues (AQPSUD) and Moms Stop the Harm invite everyone to participate in Opération Illumination as part of International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31. Two...

Alcohol Justice & California Alcohol Policy Alliance are asking state policy makers in Sacramento to imagine an experiment of the kind sometimes carried out in college psych labs. In this experiment, a young student?19 or 20 years old?is shown a...

24 august 2023

July's heat caused UN...

New analysis of US, Canada and UN crime and trade data by Bloomberg News investigative journalists David Kocieniewski, Natalie Obiko and Eric Fan reveals "NRA-style politics transformed Canada's gun culture ? and shootings rose 869%." These findings...

Following is a statement by National Press Club President Eileen O'Reilly and National Press Club Journalism Institute President Gil Klein on the decision by Russian court to extend the pretrial period for Wall Street Journal reporter Evan...

The first UN Advisor on Genocide, Juan Mendez, has affirmed that Azerbaijan's lack of compliance with a February order by...

The Ceres Accelerator for Sustainable Capital Markets has released a new benchmark analysis of 13 of the largest banks operating in the United States that reveals significant inconsistencies between the banks' public climate commitments and their...

23 august 2023

Today, the Black Futures Lab announced that it has reached a historic milestone in the Black Census Project survey, which will conclude in October 2023. With nearly 130,000 responses from across all 50 states gathered to date, this effort already...

17-page response fails to address or adequately respond to any of the concerns cited By DPH based on testimony provided by residents, public officials, nurses, physicians and advocates at public hearing on August 9 regarding how UMass can ensure...

Striking grocery workers' fight for fair wages will move to round the clock secondary picket lines at two Metro distribution warehouse in Toronto beginning Wednesday, August 22 at 6:00 a.m....

The Front d'action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU), a Quebec-based housing rights group, is concerned that the Liberal government's national summit on the housing crisis is just a way to buy time. "The Trudeau government seems to forget...

A late June visit by India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States to meet with U.S. President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. affirmed the two countries' investment in one another, as bilateral trading partners and two of the world's largest...

22 august 2023

Teamsters Local 350, which represents all of the sanitation workers in San Francisco, is calling on the autonomous vehicle (AV) company Cruise to take measures to prevent more alarming incidents with its vehicles from occurring in the city. The union...

The National Coalition of Justice Practitioners (NCJP), a group of Black and Hispanic law enforcement executives and experts, hosted the "When Good People Write Bad Policy" National Press Club panel event to educate people about the racial and...

Section 922(g)(8) focuses on preventing individuals who have committed or threatened family violence from accessing firearms during the period they are under a protective order.Safeguarding survivors from firearm access during the duration of...

21 august 2023

Ni Hao (Hello), welcome to Thailand!" Suchart Thada-Thamrongvech, a "senior student" at the Confucius Institute of Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, greets visiting journalist from the Global Times in Chinese. This 71-year-old former minister of...

One survivor had a gun held to her head until she swore she would never leave him. Another abuser shot and killed his domestic partner with her five young children nearby. Still, another survivor was savagely assaulted by her son's father and...

New China Research (NCR), the think tank of China's Xinhua News Agency, released in Johannesburg of South Africa on Saturday the English and French versions of two research reports on Xi Jinping's economic thought and the Communist Party of China's...

"I felt the recognition of President Xi to global young people in China. It's very important for the program and for young foreign participants in it," Joshua Dominick, an American youth who has lived in China for over 20 years, told the Global Times...

Having exhausted all avenues to avoid withdrawing services, 50 registered nurses, public health nurses and registered practical nurses providing care and services to close to 200,000 residents of Hastings and Prince Edward Counties are on strike...

19 august 2023

To protect the electoral process, Dionisio Gutiérrez, President of Fundación Libertad y Desarrollo, issued a call to the citizenry during the presentations of the First and Second Round Electoral Polls in Guatemala throughout the month of August....