Le Lézard


22 january 2020

Responding to the CBC's release of new Ontario hospital overcrowding data that shows the majority of the province's hospitals have been operating at gravely unsafe levels of overcrowding for more than a month out of the most recent six months...

14 january 2020

The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) has voted to join ten unions representing more than 250,000 Ontario workers to launch a coordinated Charter challenge against the Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future...

17 december 2019

Today, ten Ontario unions representing more than 250,000 thousand affected broader public sector employees, announced their intention to launch a coordinated Charter challenge against Bill 124. As well, the Ontario Labour movement, with the Power of...

OTTAWA, December 17, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Canada's real GDP is forecast to expand by 1.8 per cent in 2020 and 1.9 per cent in 2021, underpinned by strong labour markets and modest growth in consumer spending. This, along with better prospects in the...

12 december 2019

The BC Patient Safety & Quality Council announced today that eight people and projects have received awards recognizing their impact on quality of care for patients in BC. "The 2020 Quality Awards honour the passion and commitment of those who...

(via Blockchain Wire) -- æternity, the next-generation, open-source blockchain for building decentralized applications, today announced that its platform solution was able to solve half of seven new projects utilizing æternity's blockchain across...

5 december 2019

On December 11th, Habitat for Humanity GTA is set to host volunteers, donors and families who helped build their homes, to celebrate the completion of their 50-home affordable housing project in Scarborough's Malvern community. Just in time for the...

4 december 2019

Twenty-six prominent CEOs and civil society leaders from across Canada sent a letter to the Prime Minister and to provincial and territorial premiers today, with eight key recommendations for how to move beyond climate targets and plans and get to...

28 november 2019

Today history was made when Bill 41, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (Declaration Act), received Royal Assent in the BC Legislature. This historic law makes BC the first province or territory in Canada to enact legislation...

26 november 2019

In an historic election, Patty Coates is the first woman to be elected President of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL). Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) delegates have elected Coates and her team, Secretary-Treasurer Ahmad Gaied and Executive...

The Conference Board of Canada's Provincial Economic Outlook was released today, providing the medium-term economic outlook for the provinces, including forecasts for gross domestic product (GDP) and labour market conditions. After increasing by...

22 november 2019

Ontario faculty are pleased to see that the Ontario Divisional Court has struck down the Ford government's controversial "Student Choice Initiative" (SCI), finding the directive both unlawful and a violation of university autonomy. The Court found...

21 november 2019

Despite making up nearly 50% of the population, Greater Toronto Area immigrants only make up 6% of senior leadership positions cross the public, private, and non-profit sector, according to a new report published by the Toronto Region Immigrant...

As more than 140,000 of its members are still without new contracts or fair compensation for the Phoenix pay system disaster, the Public Service Alliance of Canada has launched an ad campaign targeting the Prime Minister and new President of the...

Nutritional High International Inc. ("Nutritional High" or the "Company") is pleased to comment on the successful passing of the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Bill of 2019 ("MORE") by the House Judiciary Committee. Yesterday,...

5 november 2019

Yesterday on Tsawwassen territory, Nisga'a Nation formally joined the Alliance of BC Modern Treaty Nations (the Alliance) by signing the updated Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) with representatives from the seven other members: Tsawwassen First...

After posting modest economic growth this year, the Canadian economy is poised to show some improvement with a 1.8 per cent gain forecast for 2020. Despite our call for stronger growth next year, risks to the forecast remain tilted to the downside....

4 november 2019

Carbon pricing is now in place across Canada. Its aim is to encourage behaviours and technology adoptions that lead to reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. But carbon pricing can also result in unintended consequences ? such as carbon...

Manning Conference in Red Deer Tackles "What's Next?" After Federal Election CALGARY November 4, 2019: The Manning Centre's 3rd Regional Networking Conference will take place November 9th in Red Deer, Alberta under the post-federal election theme...

28 october 2019

A broad array of organizations are not accepting Doug Ford's plans to use a "facilitator" to try to force through his cuts to Public Health. The group is announcing a major event and campaign in Toronto to stop these cuts as well as cuts to...

26 october 2019

Yesterday the government of British Columbia introduced Bill-41 to the Legislative Assembly ? historic legislation to provincially implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UN Declaration). The Treaty Commission...

22 october 2019

Canadians said no to Andrew Scheer, and that is good news for public service workers and the millions who depend on important services from the federal government. The Conservative Party's billions in proposed cuts to government staffing and...

21 october 2019

François Laporte, the president of Teamsters Canada, made the following statement on the results of the 2019 Canadian federal elections:  Sisters, brothers, I would like to congratulate Prime Minister Trudeau on behalf of our 125,000 members...

18 october 2019

A new provincial collaboration has been formed to improve the long-term health outcomes, quality of life, and economic prosperity for Albertans suffering with digestive diseases. The University Hospital Foundation (UHF), Ministry of Alberta Economic...

17 october 2019

Tehama, the leading SaaS solution to secure mission critical and data sensitive systems when granting access to global employees and third-party contractors, and Bitnobi, a startup that has created a privacy-protected data-sharing platform, are...

15 october 2019

Upon a court order from U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, new court papers disclose demand from civil rights lobbyist Cary Lee Peterson for Federal circuit court to grant an immediate order for a "death sentence" or "immediate release" for...

(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Warning signs can be seen in every corner of the world. There is stalled or negative growth in Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Brazil, and Mexico. At the same time, business confidence has turned negative in Japan for the first...

10 october 2019

While candidates across the country debate Canada's fossil-fuel future and the climate crisis, a solid majority of Canadians have already made up their minds when it comes to oil and gas development in Canada's North.   According to an Environics...

7 october 2019

OTTAWA, October 7, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) ? Ongoing trade tensions and uncertainty in the global economy are impacting Canadian business investment and household purchasing power. Despite this, a recession is not on the horizon in Canada according to...

2 october 2019

Computer scientists at New York University Tandon School of Engineering today launched a new website that analyzes all Canadian Facebook political advertising in the leadup to the October 21 elections. The interactive, user-friendly website lets...

30 september 2019

The Office of the British Columbia Ferries Commissioner today announced the final decision on the price caps for BC Ferries' next four-year performance term. The decision allows average BC Ferries' fares to increase by a maximum of 2.3% annually from...

24 september 2019

In a statement released today, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) asks governments, corporate entities, and investors to account for climate risks in their decision-making and enhance the climate-sensitive financial security of all Canadians....

23 september 2019

Students across the province are calling on candidates in this federal election to fully fund post-secondary education in order to address the student debt crisis exacerbated by the Ontario government's historic cuts to the Ontario Student Assistance...

19 september 2019

Attention: Environmental, agricultural, municipal, recycling & waste management reporters/editors September 19, 2019 ? Fairfield, CA/Cambridge, ON ? For Immediate Release | As further validation of the market leading biosolids and organics...

4 september 2019

Ontario faculty are warning that the Ford government's so called "performance" funding model for postsecondary education is reckless, ineffective, and dangerous. The new funding model will link 60 per cent of government funding for universities ($2.2...

3 september 2019

"The MacKinnon report is a prescription for disaster and will not lead Alberta to prosperity," says AFL president Gil McGowan. "It is an attack on our public services, our children's education and jeopardizes the future of all working Albertans, just...

30 august 2019

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL), Canada's premier nuclear science and technology organization, is pleased to announce it has successfully completed the clean-up and environmental restoration of three temporary storage sites as part of the Port...

29 august 2019

Ottawa, ON ? August 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) ? As economic and fiscal pressures loom in Ontario, province-wide immigration can provide relief. To get there, newcomers need to settle across more regions says a report released today from The...

23 august 2019

TC Energy Corporation (TC Energy or the Company) today announced the Nebraska Supreme Court has affirmed the November 2017 decision by the Nebraska Public Service Commission that approved the Keystone XL Pipeline route through the state. "The...

22 august 2019

Eavor Technologies Inc. has developed an innovative "made in Alberta" geothermal energy solution. In a demonstration project near Rocky Mountain House, the Eavor-Litetm project uses existing Alberta oil and gas drilling technology and expertise to...

20 august 2019

Today, the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) welcomed Waterloo Wellington as the seventh community to sign on to its national Roots of Hope suicide prevention project. The five-year partnership with the MHCC, which will be led by the Waterloo...

13 august 2019

PRESS RELEASE  The Conference Board of Canada Cannabis report examines workplace implications, ripple effects OTTAWA ? August 13, 2019 ? The one-year mark since cannabis legalization is quickly approaching, and with it, an ever-expanding ripple...

The UNITED SIKHS legal team is working with the family of an elderly Sikh man after receiving a report today that he encountered several brutal attackers inside his own home during a suspected hate crime. According to details provided by the family,...

12 august 2019

Last Thursday, upon the federal chief of justice in the New Jersey District ordering a recall and reassignment of two federal judges in a civil lawsuit for securities fraud claims filed by the Securities and  Exchange Commission, trial court...

8 august 2019

In the wake of today's authoritative new report on how land can help or hurt climate change, WWF-Canada is urging all levels of government to radically transform our land use by enlisting nature-based solutions to secure a climate-safe...

1 august 2019

By Order G-177-19, dated August 1, 2019, the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) has established an inquiry to examine the regulation of energy utilities affiliated with municipalities and regional districts (Inquiry). The Inquiry seeks to...

After months of bad northern climate-change news ? Canada's Arctic warming at three times the global rate, permafrost melting 70 years ahead of predictions, the worst polar wildfire season on record ? plans have now moved forward to protect...

23 july 2019

PRESS RELEASE    The Conference Board of Canada Whose ride is it, anyway? The impact of shared mobility on public transit Ottawa, July 23 2019 ? Public transit ridership levels vary across Canada, raising questions and debate about the impact of...

18 july 2019

The Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) is outraged by the announcement made today by City of Toronto councillors Joe Cressy, Mike Layton and Kristyn Wong-Tam. The trio said that they would red light any development that...

12 july 2019

Proposing to reduce health and safety requirements for Alberta farms and ranches is unconscionable, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. "Alberta's farms and ranches are already the most dangerous workplaces in the province," says Gil McGowan....