Le Lézard

News by subject: POL

6 may 2020

The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP), a nonprofit organization representing specialty pharmacy industry stakeholders, has announced that former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Donna Brazile and former...

In the wake of nearly $3 trillion in Coronavirus response spending by Congress, one thing is clear: relief measures have been woefully inadequate. Meanwhile the wealth of the billionaire class has surged amidst this pandemic. While Congress and the...

The Steering Committee of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) took a landmark decision on Monday by approving WSSCC's new 2021-2025 strategy, which paves the way for WSSCC to evolve into the Sanitation and Hygiene Fund, a...

As the arts and culture sector braces for a challenging and uncertain future due to the economic turmoil resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), a nonprofit arts service organization and leading provider of...

5 may 2020

Two weeks after initial letters backed by a united front of youth and local sports leaders were delivered to Congressional leadership in the United States Senate and House of Representatives, the bipartisan co-chairs of the Congressional Caucus on...

Kelly-Ann Desjardine of Perth is one step closer to claiming a lottery win of $27,500 with INSTANT WILD CARDS (Game #2166). As Kelly-Ann is an employee at an authorized OLG retailer, this prize falls within OLG's definition of an Insider Win....

4 may 2020

A  new survey commissioned by the National Association of Letter Carriers found that, by an overwhelming margin, Americans support federal government funding that would allow the United States Postal Service to survive the devastating financial...

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Mental Health Week: "Today is the first day of Mental Health Week. It is a time for us all to talk about the importance of mental health and to reflect on our own self-care....

3 may 2020

The Government of Canada is working closely with partners to ensure Canadians have access to the supplies they need to stay safe and healthy in response to COVID-19. The Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of Public Services and Procurement, announced...

The latest data on COVID-19's development in Québec reveal 892 new cases over the past 24 hours, to which need to be add 1 317 cases that were detected between April 2 and April 30 but not counted due to a computer problem, bringing the total number...

For many Canadians, COVID-19 is having a major impact on their everyday lives, as they work to pay their bills, put food on the table, and take care of themselves and their families. That is why it is more important than ever that Canadians have...

Canadian scientists, businesses and manufacturers are stepping up to fight COVID-19. The Government of Canada is investing in projects that will support Canada in the global race to find a treatment for COVID-19 while building domestic capabilities...

2 may 2020

In lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, issued the following statement today: "As of Saturday, May 2, there are 55,572 COVID-19 cases and, sadly, 3,446 deaths. We have completed tests...

The latest data on COVID-19's development in Québec reveal 1 008 new cases over the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of people infected to 29 656. During the same period, 114 new deaths were recorded, bringing the total to 2 136. The number...

In lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, issued the following statement today: "As of Saturday, May 2, there are 59,408 COVID-19 cases and, sadly, 3,446 deaths. We have completed tests...

1 may 2020

One Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. Violent crimes involving firearms continue to have devastating impacts on communities across the country, and on Canadians who have lost loved ones to these crimes. Events like the recent tragedy...

The Teamsters Joint Council 39 Executive Board is endorsing Democrat Tricia Zunker in the upcoming special election for the 7th congressional district seat recently vacated by former Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wisc.). The election is scheduled for May 12...

30 april 2020

In a blistering Op-Ed released today, the President of the organization representing tens of thousands of workers in Washington State slammed the Trump Administration's decision to sign an executive order forcing meatpacking plants to reopen despite...

When the COVID-19 pandemic ruthlessly takes away American lives and damages our economy, Chinese Americans have joined the fight like many other patriotic citizens.  Driven by our love to America, Chinese Americans nationwide have united to...

Compassion & Choices has sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary (HHS) Alex Azar urging him to rescind a new, but little-known waiver of a federal law requiring hospitals and other healthcare facilities to inform patients of their legal...

With the COVID-19 crisis wreaking havoc on the American economy, Washington's primary responses have been focused on providing stimulus. Yet as the economic toll becomes ever more clear, these policies are proving inadequate for the challenge before...

29 april 2020

Our Money published The Lesson of the Trillion-Dollar Coins in support of the "Mint the Coin" proposal released by the office of Rep. Rashida Tlaib. The proposal may seem bizarre, or even comic, at first glance. However, it performs an extremely...

28 april 2020

Now that diagnostic companies can sell COVID-19 antibody tests without FDA authorization, healthcare teams should work closely with clinical laboratory experts to ensure that these tests are thoroughly validated and used appropriately. A new opinion...

The Cornucopia Institute, a Wisconsin-based organic food and farm policy research group, is focused on our collective health, access to clean, nutrient-dense food, and the livelihoods of farmers who produce organic food and contribute to the health...

CTIA, the wireless association, today announced a new program to help children participate in distance learning during COVID-19. The Connecting Kids Initiative simplifies the process for school districts to find remote learning hotspot solutions by...

The Citizens Clean Elections Commission (CCEC) announces that it has reengineered how it will facilitate candidate debates for the 2020 Primary Election. Starting this month, legislative office candidate debates?established for voters solely by the...

This is another installment in SynED's series to highlight cyber heroes who quietly go above and beyond in helping to secure our nation and communities. No matter how sophisticated technology becomes, solving problems related to cybersecurity will...

27 april 2020

One advised Stephen Harper. The other advised Justin Trudeau. The third is a market maker on Bay Street. Together, Sean Speer, Robert Asselin and Royce Mendes are rethinking how Canada can build its competitiveness amidst the rise of an intangibles...

During this awful pandemic, State authorities ought to remember that the people of the State of Michigan are citizens of a Republic, not subjects of a Monarchy. In 1887 Lord Acton observed that "power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts...

Nyman Turkish PC, a Southfield-based national disability and litigation law firm, will later today serve Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson with a federal lawsuit it has filed on behalf of Michael Powell and Fred Wurtzel, two blind...

Ballard Partners, one of the top lobbying firms in the United States, is opening an office in Tel Aviv to assist clients with government relations in Israel as well as assisting Israeli companies needing representation in the United States. The...

Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives representing Maryland's 7th Congressional District, is honored to announce an endorsement for her candidacy by Black Women for Positive Change. Black Women for...

26 april 2020

The CIUSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal today invited media representatives to visit the mobile hospital before it opens its doors to residents with COVID-19. Working in partnership with the Canadian Red Cross and the borough of LaSalle, teams...

The latest data on COVID-19's development in Québec reveal 840 new cases over the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of people infected to 24 107. During the same period, 69 new deaths were recorded, bringing the total to 1 515. The number of...

In lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, issued the following statement today: "As of Sunday, April 26, there are 45,791 cases of COVID-19 and, sadly, 2,489 deaths. We have completed...

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on National Medical Laboratory Week, which runs from April 26 to May 2, 2020: "Today, I join Canadians to mark the beginning of National Medical Laboratory Week, and celebrate...

25 april 2020

The Alliance Party, the national organizational arm of a political reform movement, with affiliates in two dozen states, announces that its delegates voted today to nominate Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente as their presidential candidate and Darcy...

The latest data on COVID-19's development in Québec reveal 651 new cases over the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of people infected to 23 267. During the same period, 106 new deaths were recorded, bringing the total to 1446. There were 49...

Canada's fish and seafood sector is essential to our collective food security and our economy. The Government of Canada recognizes the need to support the hard-working women and men of the industry during this challenging time of COVID-19. Today, the...

24 april 2020

Congress made welcomed legislative attempts in the past to increase medical discovery such as enacting the Orphan Drug and Translational Research Acts, but they are very limited in scope; and the same holds true with, due to the COVID-19 pandemic,...

23 april 2020

In a letter to President Trump today, the nation's leading immigration cutback advocacy group demanded to know why his Administration was exempting hundreds of thousands of foreign workers under an immigration pause that is supposed to help relieve...

New information on COVID-19 emerges every day. Researchers and scientists in Canada and around the world are working hard to better understand the virus, and its impacts on people and communities. By keeping pace with this information, we can better...

22 april 2020

A sample of votes cast in California's March 3, 2020 election exposed 15 registrants whose voting histories show that each cast two vote-by-mail ballots in that election, according to official data. Election Integrity Project, California (EIPCa)...

While the nation's attention is justifiably focused on containing the spread of COVID-19 and alleviating the resulting economic damage, The Concord Coalition said today that this year's reports from the trustees of Social Security and Medicare...

Post-secondary students are feeling the economic impacts of COVID-19. Many students were preparing to start a summer job in May, and are now worried about how to pay rent and cover basic living expenses, while recent graduates are struggling to find...

WASHINGTON, April 22, 2020  The following is a statement from Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa about legislation introduced yesterday by House Education and Labor Chairman Bobby Scott (D-Va.) and others that would require the Occupational Safety...

Freeman is uniting with live events leaders from across the United States to announce the formation of Go LIVE Together, a coalition of 80 founding partners?representing over 4,000 companies with U.S. operations?who have joined forces to support...

21 april 2020

Despite skyrocketing food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress has once again failed to address the urgent needs of the 60 million Americans facing hunger in the newest stimulus bill....

Allegiant Travel Company announced today an agreement with the U.S. Department of the Treasury to receive $171.9 million in emergency relief under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The Payroll Support Program (PSP) funds...

Expanding "Buy America" rules for prescription drugs and medical supplies would reduce patient access to drugs and further damage the economy, finds a new issue brief released today by the Center for Medical Economics and Innovation at the Pacific...