Le Lézard

News by subject: POL

20 april 2020

In Texas, the National Restaurant Association estimates that more than 688,000 restaurant employees have been laid off or furloughed since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak. This represents at least 61% of the 1.2 million employees that were...

New Jersey's historic law prohibiting the sale of all flavored e-cigarettes takes effect today. This action is the right move to reverse skyrocketing youth use of e-cigarettes and couldn't come at a better time as health experts are warning that...

Today #1 charting Apple podcaster and #1 bestselling Amazon author Christopher Lochhead released a new episode of the award-winning "Follow Your Different" podcast with retired Four-Star General and leadership coach Stanley A. McChrystal. During a...

19 april 2020

The latest data on COVID-19's development in Québec reveal 836 new cases over the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of people infected to 18 357. During the same period, 72 new deaths were recorded, bringing the total to 877. The number of...

18 april 2020

The Massachusetts Nurses Association applauds legislation signed into law by Gov. Charlie Baker on the night of April 17 that offers important liability protections for nurses, healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities on the front lines of...

Summary Products: Household cleaning products, hand soaps and body soapsIssue: Health Canada is facilitating access to supplies of these products to help fight COVID-19. What to do: Check this web page regularly for updated information on new...

Indigenous businesses provide jobs, goods, and services to communities, and are an important part of the Canadian economy. Right now, they are facing challenges and economic hardships due to COVID-19. That is why the Government of Canada is taking...

17 april 2020

The Health Coalition on Liability and Access today announced it had sent a letter to Congressional leaders urging inclusion of relief from the threat of lawsuits in any future legislation addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter highlights that...

Today, U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator Jovita Carranza and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin issued the following statement regarding the success of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP):...

Liberty SBF, a national finance company specializing in serving the small business economy, is calling on Congress and the Trump Administration to move swiftly to allocate an additional $250 billion to the Small Business Administration's (SBA)...

In response to the unprecedented number of illnesses and deaths unfolding in federal, state and county jails across the country as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, Greenbaum, Rowe Smith & Davis LLP has announced the formation of a "COVID-19...

As the country faces difficulties resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, members of ACA International, the association of credit and collection professionals, continue to work diligently to assist consumers in managing unexpected financial challenges...

A Texas trade school known for training veterans for long-term, high-paying careers has found a silver lining in the coronavirus pandemic. All schools were forced to suspend in-person classes by Executive Order from Texas Governor Greg Abbott on...

Mid-Market companies are essential to global economic success. Combined, they create over $10 trillion in gross receipts and 30 million jobs in the United States alone. The programs in the COVID-19 stimulus packages focus on large companies and small...

16 april 2020

Transat A.T. Inc. announces today its intention to make use of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and to propose that its 4,000 employees who are currently temporarily laid off return to employment. On March 23, Transat announced the temporary layoff...

The California Grocers Association (CGA), Governor Newsom and labor leaders today announced statewide safety standards to ensure consistent practices in all essential retail stores, including grocery, enhancing protections for employees and shoppers...

Bsquare Corporation , a builder of technology that is powering the next generation of intelligent devices and systems, today announced the receipt of $1.6 million in funding from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). ...

Over 34 associations representing Michigan's business community and financial institutions sent a joint letter to Michigan's Congressional delegation today urging them to work swiftly to provide additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program...

The North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) today launched a grassroots advocacy and awareness campaign to engage veterinary professionals and the broader pet loving community in support of legislation to better prevent and respond to the spread...

15 april 2020

Today, United Airlines confirmed the airline expects to receive a total of approximately $5.0 billion from the federal government through the Payroll Support Program under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Of the $5.0...

14 april 2020

The Government of Canada's top priority is the health and safety of Canadians. We are taking unprecedented action to respond to the COVID-19 epidemic. This includes continually assessing the risks to adapt our response accordingly. The Government of...

Today, in an effort to continue minimizing the impacts of the pandemic on Canadians and stopping the spread of COVID-19, regulatory amendments under the Contraventions Act came into force. These changes provide increased flexibility for law...

(AANA) -- To date, 12 state governors have issued executive orders to suspend restrictions on full scope of practice for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs). The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) supports these positive...

In the midst of a crisis for Vermont's dairy farms and artisan cheesemakers, an insurgent farmer proposes a radical restructuring of Vermont. John Klar announced his GOP challenge to incumbent Republican Governor Phil Scott last October: now he...

The following is a statement by Dr. Josh Eisen, candidate for New York's 17th Congressional District in Congress:  Mark Cuban recently complained that American banks are "playing games" by holding up loans under the Payroll Protection Program (PPP)....

13 april 2020

Economists across the United States have signed a petition by Dr. Raymond C. Niles, economist and senior fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research and Assistant Professor of Economics & Management at DePauw University, imploring...

On Friday, April 10, ACB and more than 75 national, state and local disability and civil rights organizations sent a letter urging Congress to protect the voting rights of people who are blind and disabled during the current pandemic. The letter,...

Ministers and Government of Canada officials will hold a news conference to provide an update on coronavirus disease (COVID-19). DateApril 13, 2020 Time12:00 PM (EDT) LocationWest Block, Room 225Parliament HillWellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario The...

CivX, a startup empowering Americans through innovative civic engagement, today announces the Android availability of the CivX app. Following the CivX app iOS launch, the Android release provides even more Americans with the ability to directly...

Ministers and Government of Canada officials will hold a news conference to provide an update on coronavirus disease (COVID-19). DateApril 13, 2020 Time12:00 PM (EDT) LocationWest Block, Room 225Parliament HillWellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario The...

12 april 2020

Starting April 10, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is distributing $30 billion in relief funding to all providers that received Medicare fee-for-service reimbursements in 2019 by Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). These funds...

The latest data on COVID-19's development in Québec reveal 554 new cases over the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of people infected to 12 846. During the same period, 39 new deaths were recorded, bringing the total to 328. There were 46 new...

In lieu of a daily in-person update to the media, Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, issued the following statement today: "As of Sunday, April 12, there are 23,318 cases of COVID-19 cases and, sadly, 653 deaths. We have...

10 april 2020

Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives

The RCMP has been asked for assistance in the coordination and enforcement of the March 25, 2020, Quarantine Act Order that, unless specifically exempted, any person entering Canada must isolate or quarantine (self-isolate) themselves for 14 days and...

9 april 2020

A critical petition could save countless jobs across America. There is an urgent need to make the government aware the Small Business Administration is failing to fund American businesses, announces Integris Design. Join the petition now to help save...

With a goal to ensure our nation's education system is fit for purpose; oriented for anytime, anywhere learning; and better able to prepare students for the future, the Aurora Institute (@Aurora_Inst) today announced its broad-based education policy...

7 april 2020

Fragrance Creators Association released today the following statement from Farah K. Ahmed, President & CEO, recognizing the U.S. Department of State (State Department) for creating a government-wide contact?with a one business day initial response...

Thought leadership research firm TrendCandy Research today released a new study that underscores broad political polarization in America. TrendCandy surveyed 1,200 US adults on attitudes regarding current affairs, including the upcoming presidential...

6 april 2020

The Government of Canada continues to take action to support Canadians and their families impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Today, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, together with the...

5 april 2020

Ensuring the safety and security of Canadians is the Government of Canada's top priority. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, Transport Canada is working with the Public Health Agency of Canada, other levels of government, transportation...

3 april 2020

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on March 27 and established a new Paycheck Protection Program loan for eligible business. As part of the Committee for Economic Development of The Conference Board's...

Utmost care is necessary to ensure the safe transportation of dangerous goods by rail and to protect both rail workers and those living nearby Canada's rail corridors, Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Marc Garneau, announced measures...

In a letter sent to the leading trade organizations representing the nation's hospitals and health systems, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) expressed concern over news reports that some health systems and state governments are considering...

In the face of the covid-19 pandemic, local government leaders across the country are rising to the enormous challenge of coordinating emergency public health measures and ensuring timely public communications, all while trying to keep the government...

2 april 2020

While the IRS allows corporate foundations to make grants directly to individuals in need within their target communities, it typically does not permit them to assist employees of their sponsoring companies. However, as President Trump declared...

Cboe Global Markets, Inc. (Cboe: CBOE), one of the world's largest exchange holding companies, today issued a statement commending the action of the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency...

Leaders from the philanthropic and impact investing community joined together today to publish a letter calling on regulators to indefinitely delay the rulemaking process for the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), especially given the coronavirus...

1 april 2020

One of the largest and most influential construction unions in the country is calling on Congress to subsidize COBRA health plans for 11 million US construction workers who may lose their jobs as the COVID-19 virus spreads and wipes out the 6th...

NATSO, representing truckstops and travel plazas, and the American Trucking Associations (ATA) have urged state and local governments to carefully consider the operational differences of essential businesses when implementing social distancing...